#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """MPDCoverGrid is a client for the Music Player Daemon, focused on albums instead of single tracks.""" __author__ = "coderkun" __email__ = "" __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "0.3" __status__ = "Development" import configparser import glob import logging import os import queue import socket import sys import threading import urllib.request from hashlib import md5 class MPDException(Exception): pass class ConnectionException(MPDException): pass class ProtocolException(MPDException): pass class CommandException(MPDException): pass class Base(): def __init__(self): self._callbacks = {} def connect_signal(self, signal, callback): """Connect a callback function to a signal (event).""" self._callbacks[signal] = callback def disconnect_signal(self, signal): """Disconnect a callback function from a signal (event).""" if self._has_callback(signal): del self._callbacks[signal] def _has_callback(self, signal): """Check if there is a registered callback function for a signal.""" return signal in self._callbacks def _callback(self, signal, *data): if signal in self._callbacks: callback = self._callbacks[signal] callback(*data) class Client(Base): """Client library for handling the connection to the Music Player Daemon. This class implements an album-based MPD client. It offers a non-blocking threaded worker model for use in graphical environments. """ # Protocol: greeting mark PROTOCOL_GREETING = 'OK MPD ' # Protocol: completion mark PROTOCOL_COMPLETION = 'OK' # Protocol: error mark PROTOCOL_ERROR = 'ACK ' # Signal: connection status SIGNAL_CONNECTION = 'connection' # Signal: status SIGNAL_STATUS = 'status' # Signal: load albums SIGNAL_LOAD_ALBUMS = 'load-albums' # Signal: load playlist SIGNAL_LOAD_PLAYLIST = 'load-playlist' # Signal: error SIGNAL_ERROR = 'error' def __init__(self): """Set class variables and instantiates the Client.""" Base.__init__(self) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._sock = None self._sock_read = None self._sock_write = None self._stop = threading.Event() self._actions = queue.Queue() self._worker = None self._idling = False self._host = None self._albums = {} self._playlist = [] self._image_dir = "" self._state = None def get_logger(self): return self._logger # Client commands def connect(self, host, port, password=None, image_dir=""): """Connect to MPD with the given host, port and password or with standard values. """ self._logger.info("connect") self._host = host self._image_dir = image_dir self._add_action(self._connect, host, port, password) self._stop.clear() self._start_worker() def is_connected(self): """Return the connection status.""" return self._worker is not None and self._worker.is_alive() def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the connected MPD.""" self._logger.info("disconnect") self._stop.set() self._add_action(self._disconnect) def join(self): self._actions.join() def get_status(self): """Determine the current status.""" self._logger.info("get status") self._add_action(self._get_status) def load_albums(self): self._logger.info("load albums") self._add_action(self._load_albums) def update(self): self._logger.info("update") self._add_action(self._update) def load_playlist(self): self._logger.info("load playlist") self._add_action(self._load_playlist) def clear_playlist(self): """Clear the current playlist""" self._logger.info("clear playlist") self._add_action(self._clear_playlist) def playpause(self): """Play or pauses the current state.""" self._logger.info("playpause") self._add_action(self._playpause) def play_album(self, album): """Play the given album.""" self._logger.info("play album") self._add_action(self._play_album, album) def seek(self, pos, time): """Seeks to a song at a position""" self._logger.info("seek") self._add_action(self._seek, pos, time) def stop(self): self._logger.info("stop") self._add_action(self._stop) def set_volume(self, volume): self._logger.info("set volume") self._add_action(self._set_volume, volume) def test(self): self._logger.info("test") self._add_action(self._test) # Private methods def _connect(self, host, port, password): self._logger.info("connecting to host %r, port %r", host, port) if self._sock is not None: return try: self._sock = self._connect_socket(host, port) self._sock_read = self._sock.makefile("r", encoding="utf-8") self._sock_write = self._sock.makefile("w", encoding="utf-8") self._greet() self._logger.info("connected") if password: self._logger.info("setting password") self._call("password", password) self._set_connection_status(True) except OSError as e: raise ConnectionException("connection failed: {}".format(e)) def _connect_socket(self, host, port): sock = None error = None for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) sock.connect(sa) return sock except Exception as e: error = e if sock is not None: sock.close() break if error is not None: raise ConnectionException("connection failed: {}".format(error)) else: raise ConnectionException("no suitable socket") def _greet(self): greeting = self._sock_read.readline() self._logger.debug("greeting: %s", greeting.strip()) if not greeting.endswith("\n"): self._disconnect_socket() raise ConnectionException("incomplete line") if not greeting.startswith(Client.PROTOCOL_GREETING): self._disconnect_socket() raise ProtocolException("invalid greeting: {}".format(greeting)) self._protocol_version = greeting[len(Client.PROTOCOL_GREETING):].strip() self._logger.debug("protocol version: %s", self._protocol_version) def _disconnect(self): self._logger.info("disconnecting") self._disconnect_socket() def _disconnect_socket(self): if self._sock_read is not None: self._sock_read.close() self._sock_read = None if self._sock_write is not None: self._sock_write.close() self._sock_write = None if self._sock is not None: self._sock.close() self._sock = None self._logger.info("disconnected") self._set_connection_status(False) def _idle(self): """React to idle events from MPD.""" self._logger.info("idle") self._idling = True subsystems = self._parse_dict(self._call("idle")) self._idling = False self._logger.info("idle subsystems: %r", subsystems) if subsystems: if subsystems['changed'] == 'player': self.get_status() if subsystems['changed'] == 'mixer': self.get_status() if subsystems['changed'] == 'playlist': self.load_playlist() if subsystems['changed'] == 'database': self.load_albums() self.load_playlist() self.get_status() if subsystems['changed'] == 'update': self.load_albums() self.load_playlist() self.get_status() def _noidle(self): if self._idling: self._logger.debug("noidle") self._write("noidle") def _get_status(self): """Action: Perform the real status determination.""" self._logger.info("getting status") status = self._parse_dict(self._call("status")) self._logger.debug("status: %r", status) # State state = None if 'state' in status: state = status['state'] self._state = state # Time time = 0 if 'time' in status: time = int(status['time'].split(':')[0]) # Volume volume = 0 if 'volume' in status: volume = int(status['volume']) # Error error = None if 'error' in status: error = status['error'] # Album album = None pos = 0 song = self._parse_dict(self._call("currentsong")) if song: # Album if 'album' not in song: song['album'] = MCGAlbum.DEFAULT_ALBUM hash = MCGAlbum.hash(song['album']) if hash in self._albums.keys(): album = self._albums[hash] # Position if 'pos' in song: pos = int(song['pos']) for palbum in self._playlist: if palbum == album and len(palbum.get_tracks()) >= pos: album = palbum break pos = pos - len(palbum.get_tracks()) self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_STATUS, state, album, pos, time, volume, error) def _load_albums(self): """Action: Perform the real update.""" self._albums = {} # Albums for mpdAlbum in self._parse_list(self._call('list album'), ['album']): albumTitle = mpdAlbum['album'] if albumTitle == "": albumTitle = MCGAlbum.DEFAULT_ALBUM albumHash = MCGAlbum.hash(albumTitle) if hash in self._albums.keys(): album = self._albums[hash] else: album = MCGAlbum(albumTitle, self._host, self._image_dir) self._albums[albumHash] = album self._logger.debug("album: %r", album) # Tracks for mpdTrack in self._parse_list(self._call('find album ', mpdAlbum['album']), ['file']): if 'artist' in mpdTrack and 'title' in mpdTrack and 'file' in mpdTrack: trackNumber = None if 'track' in mpdTrack: trackNumber = mpdTrack['track'] trackTime = 0 if 'time' in mpdTrack: trackTime = mpdTrack['time'] trackDate = None if 'date' in mpdTrack: trackDate = mpdTrack['date'] track = MCGTrack(mpdTrack['artist'], mpdTrack['title'], trackNumber, trackTime, trackDate, mpdTrack['file']) self._logger.debug("track: %r", track) album.add_track(track) self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_LOAD_ALBUMS, self._albums) def _update(self): self._call('update') def _load_playlist(self): self._playlist = [] for song in self._parse_list(self._call('playlistinfo'), ['file', 'playlist']): self._logger.debug("song: %r", song) # Track track = None if 'artist' in song and 'title' in song and 'file' in song: if 'track' not in song: song['track'] = None if 'time' not in song: song['time'] = 0 if 'date' not in song: song['date'] = None track = MCGTrack(song['artist'], song['title'], song['track'], song['time'], song['date'], song['file']) self._logger.debug("track: %r", track) # Album if 'album' not in song: song['album'] = MCGAlbum.DEFAULT_ALBUM hash = MCGAlbum.hash(song['album']) if len(self._playlist) == 0 or self._playlist[len(self._playlist)-1].get_hash() != hash: album = MCGAlbum(song['album'], self._host, self._image_dir) self._playlist.append(album) else: album = self._playlist[len(self._playlist)-1] self._logger.debug("album: %r", album) if track: album.add_track(track) self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_LOAD_PLAYLIST, self._playlist) def _clear_playlist(self): """Action: Perform the real clearing of the current playlist.""" self._call('clear') def _playpause(self): """Action: Perform the real play/pause command.""" #status = self._parse_dict(self._call('status')) #if 'state' in status: if self._state == 'play': self._call('pause') else: self._call('play') def _play_album(self, album): if album in self._albums: track_ids = [] for track in self._albums[album].get_tracks(): self._logger.info("addid: %r", track.get_file()) track_id = None track_id_response = self._parse_dict(self._call('addid', track.get_file())) if 'id' in track_id_response: track_id = track_id_response['id'] self._logger.debug("track id: %r", track_id) if track_id is not None: track_ids.append(track_id) if self._state != 'play' and track_ids: self._call('playid', track_ids[0]) def _seek(self, pos, time): self._call('seek', pos, time) def _stop(self): self._call('stop') def _set_volume(self, volume): self._call('setvol', volume) def _start_worker(self): """Start the worker thread which waits for action to be performed.""" self._logger.debug("start worker") self._worker = threading.Thread(target=self._run, name='mcg-worker', args=()) self._worker.setDaemon(True) self._worker.start() self._logger.debug("worker started") def _run(self): while not self._stop.is_set() or not self._actions.empty(): if self._sock is not None and self._actions.empty(): self._add_action(self._idle) action = self._actions.get() self._logger.debug("next action: %r", action) self._work(action) self._actions.task_done() self._logger.debug("action done") self._logger.debug("worker finished") def _add_action(self, method, *args): """Add an action to the action list.""" self._logger.debug("add action %r (%r)", method.__name__, args) action = (method, args) self._actions.put(action) self._noidle() def _work(self, action): (method, args) = action self._logger.debug("work: %r", method.__name__) try: method(*args) except ConnectionException as e: self._logger.exception(e) self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_ERROR, e) self._disconnect_socket() except Exception as e: self._logger.exception(e) self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_ERROR, e) def _call(self, command, *args): try: self._write(command, args) return self._read() except MPDException as e: self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_ERROR, e) def _write(self, command, args=None): if args is not None and len(args) > 0: line = '{} "{}"\n'.format(command, '" "'.join(str(x).replace('"', '\\\"') for x in args)) else: line = '{}\n'.format(command) self._logger.debug("write: %r", line) self._sock_write.write(line) self._sock_write.flush() def _read(self): self._logger.debug("reading response") response = [] line = self._sock_read.readline() if not line.endswith("\n"): self._disconnect_socket() raise ConnectionException("incomplete line") while not line.startswith(Client.PROTOCOL_COMPLETION) and not line.startswith(Client.PROTOCOL_ERROR): response.append(line.strip()) line = self._sock_read.readline() if not line.endswith("\n"): self._disconnect_socket() raise ConnectionException("incomplete line") if line.startswith(Client.PROTOCOL_COMPLETION): self._logger.debug("response complete") if line.startswith(Client.PROTOCOL_ERROR): error = line[len(Client.PROTOCOL_ERROR):].strip() self._logger.debug("command failed: %r", error) raise CommandException(error) self._logger.debug("response: %r", response) return response def _parse_dict(self, response): dict = {} for line in response: key, value = self._split_line(line) dict[key] = value return dict def _parse_list(self, response, delimiters): entry = {} for line in response: key, value = self._split_line(line) if entry and key in delimiters: yield entry entry = {} entry[key] = value if entry: yield entry def _split_line(self, line): parts = line.split(':') return parts[0].lower(), ':'.join(parts[1:]).lstrip() def _set_connection_status(self, status): self._callback(Client.SIGNAL_CONNECTION, status) class MCGAlbum: DEFAULT_ALBUM = 'Various' SORT_BY_ARTIST = 'artist' SORT_BY_TITLE = 'title' SORT_BY_YEAR = 'year' _FILE_NAMES = ['folder', 'cover'] _FILE_EXTS = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'] def __init__(self, title, host, image_dir): self._artists = [] self._pathes = [] if type(title) is list: title = title[0] self._title = title self._dates = [] self._host = host self._image_dir = image_dir self._tracks = [] self._length = 0 self._cover = None self._cover_searched = False self._set_hash() def __eq__(self, other): return self._hash == other.get_hash() def get_artists(self): return self._artists def get_title(self): return self._title def get_dates(self): return self._dates def get_date(self): if len(self._dates) == 0: return None return self._dates[0] def get_path(self): return self._path def add_track(self, track): self._tracks.append(track) self._length = self._length + track.get_length() for artist in track.get_artists(): if artist not in self._artists: self._artists.append(artist) if track.get_date() is not None and track.get_date() not in self._dates: self._dates.append(track.get_date()) path = os.path.dirname(track.get_file()) if path not in self._pathes: self._pathes.append(path) def get_tracks(self): return self._tracks def get_length(self): return self._length def get_cover(self): if self._cover is None and not self._cover_searched: self._find_cover() return self._cover def hash(title): if type(title) is list: title = title[0] return md5(title.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def get_hash(self): return self._hash def filter(self, filter_string): values = self._artists + [self._title] values.extend(map(lambda track: track.get_title(), self._tracks)) for value in values: if filter_string.lower() in value.lower(): return True return False def compare(album1, album2, criterion=None): if criterion == None: criterion = MCGAlbum.SORT_BY_TITLE if criterion == MCGAlbum.SORT_BY_ARTIST: value_function = "get_artists" elif criterion == MCGAlbum.SORT_BY_TITLE: value_function = "get_title" elif criterion == MCGAlbum.SORT_BY_YEAR: value_function = "get_date" value1 = getattr(album1, value_function)() value2 = getattr(album2, value_function)() if value1 is None and value2 is None: return 0 elif value1 is None: return -1 elif value2 is None: return 1 if value1 < value2: return -1 elif value1 == value2: return 0 else: return 1 def _set_hash(self): self._hash = MCGAlbum.hash(self._title) def _find_cover(self): names = list(MCGAlbum._FILE_NAMES) names.append(self._title) names.append(' - '.join([self._artists[0], self._title])) if self._host == "localhost" or self._host == "" or self._host == "::1": self._cover = self._find_cover_local(names) else: self._cover = self._find_cover_web(names) self._cover_searched = True def _find_cover_web(self, names): for path in self._pathes: for name in names: for ext in self._FILE_EXTS: url = '/'.join([ 'http:/', self._host, urllib.request.quote(self._image_dir.strip("/")), urllib.request.quote(path), urllib.request.quote('.'.join([name, ext])) ]) request = urllib.request.Request(url) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) return url except urllib.error.URLError as e: pass def _find_cover_local(self, names): for path in self._pathes: for name in names: for ext in self._FILE_EXTS: filename = os.path.join(self._image_dir, path, '.'.join([name, ext])) if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename return self._find_cover_local_fallback() def _find_cover_local_fallback(self): for path in self._pathes: for ext in self._FILE_EXTS: filename = os.path.join(self._image_dir, path, "*."+ext) files = glob.glob(filename) if len(files) > 0: return files[0] class MCGTrack: def __init__(self, artists, title, track, length, date, file): if type(artists) is not list: artists = [artists] self._artists = artists if type(title) is list: title = title[0] self._title = title if type(track) is list: track = track[0] if track is not None and '/' in track: track = track[0: track.index('/')] if track is not None: track = int(track) self._track = track self._length = int(length) if type(date) is list: date = date[0] self._date = date if type(file) is list: file = file[0] self._file = file def __eq__(self, other): return self._file == other.get_file() def get_artists(self): return self._artists def get_title(self): return self._title def get_track(self): return self._track def get_length(self): return self._length def get_date(self): return self._date def get_file(self): return self._file class MCGConfig(configparser.ConfigParser): CONFIG_DIR = '~/.config/mcg/' def __init__(self, filename): configparser.ConfigParser.__init__(self) self._filename = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(MCGConfig.CONFIG_DIR, filename)) self._create_dir() def load(self): if os.path.isfile(self._filename): self.read(self._filename) def save(self): with open(self._filename, 'w') as configfile: self.write(configfile) def _create_dir(self): dirname = os.path.dirname(self._filename) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) class MCGCache(): DIRNAME = '~/.cache/mcg/' SIZE_FILENAME = 'size' _lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, host, size): self._host = host self._size = size self._dirname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(MCGCache.DIRNAME, host)) if not os.path.exists(self._dirname): os.makedirs(self._dirname) self._read_size() def create_filename(self, album): return os.path.join(self._dirname, '-'.join([album.get_hash()])) def _read_size(self): size = 100 MCGCache._lock.acquire() # Read old size filename = os.path.join(self._dirname, MCGCache.SIZE_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: size = int(f.readline()) # Clear cache if size has changed if size != self._size: self._clear() # Write new size with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(str(self._size)) MCGCache._lock.release() def _clear(self): for filename in os.listdir(self._dirname): path = os.path.join(self._dirname, filename) if os.path.isfile(path): try: os.unlink(path) except Exception as e: print("clear:", e)