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h1. Contributing
There are several ways to participate in this project. This guide covers only the contribution of code (i.e. any change to any file in the repository).
There are basically two ways to contribute code to this project: Either via GitLab or via email. The first one is probably easier for most people. However
it requires a account at For people who dont want to create an account—or have any other reason to not use GitLab—email is an alternative option.
h2. Contributing via GitLab
Create an account on or use your already existing account. Fork this repository inside GitLab, add changes to your fork and finally create a Merge Request to contribute your changes back to this repository.
h2. Contributing via Email
To contribute via email, first clone this repository to your local harddrive. After adding changes to your local copy you have two options to send them back to this repository: as patch or as Pull Request
h3. Email Patch
To send a patch with your changes, use gits @send-email@ option as explained in "Public Project over Email": of section "5.2 Distributed Git - Contributing to a Project": of the "Git Pro Book": You will find the email address at "":
h3. Email Pull Request
Sending a Pull Request via email requires to publish your copy of the repository (that includes your changes) at a publicly available URL (it is your responsibility to choose a trusted host). Then use gits @request-pull@ command to send an email with your pull request. The email will contain a link to the public repository which can be used to pull your changes from. You will find the email address at "": For more details, please take a look at "Forked Public Project": of section "5.2 Distributed Git - Contributing to a Project": of the "Git Pro Book":