update Piwik to version 2.16 (fixes #91)

This commit is contained in:
oliver 2016-04-10 18:55:57 +02:00
parent 296343bf3b
commit d885a4baa9
5833 changed files with 418669 additions and 226797 deletions

View file

@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ syntax: regexp

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@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
<?php endif ?>
<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _paq = _paq || [];
@ -136,11 +137,12 @@
var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https" : "http") + "://" + document.location.hostname + "/analytics/";
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript';
g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<noscript><p><img src="/analytics/piwik.php?idsite=1" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>
<!-- End Piwik Code -->

www/analytics/CHANGELOG.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
# Piwik Platform Changelog
This is a changelog for Piwik platform developers. All changes for our HTTP API's, Plugins, Themes, etc will be listed here.
## Piwik 2.16.0
### New features
* New segment `actionType` lets you segment all actions of a given type, eg. `actionType==events` or `actionType==downloads`. Action types values are: `pageviews`, `contents`, `sitesearches`, `events`, `outlinks`, `downloads`
* New segment `actionUrl` lets you segment any action that matches a given URL, whether they are Pageviews, Site searches, Contents, Downloads or Events.
* New segment `deviceBrand` lets you restrict your users to those using a particular device brand such as Apple, Samsung, LG, Google, Nokia, Sony, Lenovo, Alcatel, etc. View the [complete list of device brands.](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/segmentation)
* New segment operators `=^` "Starts with" and `=$` "Ends with" complement the existing segment operators: Contains, Does not contain, Equals, Not equals, Greater than or equal to, Less than or equal to.
* The JavaScript Tracker method `PiwikTracker.setDomains()` can now handle paths. This means when setting eg `_paq.push(['setDomains, '*.piwik.org/website1'])` all link that goes to the same domain `piwik.org` but to any other path than `website1/*` will be treated as outlink.
* In Administration > Websites, for each website, there is a checkbox "Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs". In Piwik 2.14.0, any action URL starting with one of the Alias URLs or starting with a subdomain of the Alias URL would be tracked. As of Piwik 2.15.0, when this checkbox is enabled, it may track less data: action URLs on an Alias URL subdomain will not be tracked anymore (you must specify each sub-domain as Alias URL).
* It is now possible to pass an option `php-cli-options` to the `core:archive` command. The given cli options will be forwarded to the actual PHP command. This allows to for example specifiy a different memory limit for the archiving process like this: `./console core:archive --php-cli-options="-d memory_limit=8G"`
* New less variable `@theme-color-menu-contrast-textSelected` that lets you specify the color of a selected menu item.
* in Administration > Diagnostics, there is a new page `Config file` which lets Super User view all config values from `global.ini.php` in the UI, and whether they were overriden in your `config/config.ini.php`
### New commands
* New command `config:set` lets you set INI config options from the command line. This command can be used for convenience or for automation.
### Internal changes
* `UsersManager.*` API calls: when an API request specifies a `token_auth` of a user with `admin` permission, the returned dataset will not include all usernames as previously, API will now only return usernames for users with `view` or `admin` permission to website(s) viewable by this `token_auth`.
* When generating a new plugin skeleton via `generate:plugin` command, plugin name must now contain only letters and numbers.
* JavaScript Tracker tests no longer require `SQLite`. The existing MySQL configuration for tests is used now. In order to run the tests make sure Piwik is installed and `[database_tests]` is configured in `config/config.ini.php`.
* The definitions for search engine and social network detection have been moved from bundled data files to a separate package (see [https://github.com/piwik/searchengine-and-social-list](https://github.com/piwik/searchengine-and-social-list)).
* In [UI screenshot tests](https://developer.piwik.org/guides/tests-ui), a test environment `configOverride` setting should be no longer overwritten. Instead new values should be added to the existing `configOverride` array in PHP or JavaScript. For example instead of `testEnvironment.configOverride = {group: {name: 1}}` use `testEnvironment.overrideConfig('group', 'name', '1')`.
### New APIs
* Add your own SMS/Text provider by creating a new class in the `SMSProvider` directory of your plugin. The class has to extend `Piwik\Plugins\MobileMessaging\SMSProvider` and implement the required methods.
* Segments can now be composed by a union of multiple segments. To do this set an array of segments that shall be used for that segment `$segment->setUnionOfSegments(array('outlinkUrl', 'downloadUrl'))` instead of defining a SQL column.
### Deprecations
* The method `DB::tableExists` was un-used and has been removed.
## Piwik 2.15.0
### New commands
* New command `diagnostics:analyze-archive-table` that analyzes archive tables
* New command `database:optimize-archive-tables` to optimize archive tables and possibly save disk space (even if on InnoDB)
* New Command `core:invalidate-report-data` to invalidate archive data (w/ period cascading) ([FAQ](https://piwik.org/faq/how-to/faq_155/))
### New APIs and features
* Piwik 2.15.0 is now mostly compatible with PHP7.
* The JavaScript Tracker `piwik.js` got a new method `logAllContentBlocksOnPage` to log all found content blocks within a page to the console. This is useful to debug / test content tracking. It can be triggered via `_paq.push(['logAllContentBlocksOnPage'])`
* The Class `Piwik\Plugins\Login\Controller` is now considered a public API.
* The new method `Piwik\Menu\MenuAbstract::registerMenuIcon()` can be used to define an icon for a menu category to replace the default arrow icon.
* New event `CronArchive.getIdSitesNotUsingTracker` that allows you to set a list of idSites that do not use the Tracker API to make sure we archive these sites if needed.
* New events `CronArchive.init.start` which is triggered when the CLI archiver starts and `CronArchive.end` when the archiver ended.
* Piwik tracker can now be configured with strict Content Security Policy ([CSP FAQ](https://piwik.org/faq/general/faq_20904/)).
* Super Users can choose whether to use the latest stable release or latest Long Term Support release.
### Breaking Changes
* The method `Dimension::getId()` has been set as `final`. It is not allowed to overwrite this method.
* We fixed a bug where the API method `Sites.getPatternMatchSites` only returned a very limited number of websites by default. We now return all websites by default unless a limit is specified specifically.
* Handling of localized date, time and range formats has been changed. Patterns no longer contain placeholders like %shortDay%, but work with CLDR pattern instead. You can use one of the predefined format constants in Date class for using getLocalized().
* As we are now using CLDR formats for all languages, some time formats were even changed in english. Attributes like prettyDate in API responses might so have been changed slightly.
* The config `enable_measure_piwik_usage_in_idsite` which is used to track the Piwik usage with Piwik was removed and replaced by a new plugin `AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement`
### Deprecations
* The following HTTP API methods have been deprecated and will be removed in Piwik 3.0:
* `SitesManager.getSitesIdWithVisits`
* `API.getLastDate`
* The following events have been deprecated and will be removed in Piwik 3.0. Use [dimensions](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/dimensions) instead.
* `Tracker.existingVisitInformation`
* `Tracker.getVisitFieldsToPersist`
* `Tracker.newConversionInformation`
* `Tracker.newVisitorInformation`
* `Tracker.recordAction`
* `Tracker.recordEcommerceGoal`
* `Tracker.recordStandardGoals`
* The Platform API method `\Piwik\Plugin::getListHooksRegistered()` has been deprecated and will be removed in Piwik 3.0. Use `\Piwik\Plugin::registerEvents()` instead.
### Internal changes
* When logging in, the username is now case insensitive
* URLs with emojis and any other unicode character will be tracked, with special characters replaced with `<60>`
* A permanent warning notification is now displayed when PHP is 5.4.* or older, since it has reached End Of Life
* In `piwik.js` we replaced [JSON2](https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js) with [JSON3](https://bestiejs.github.io/json3/) to implement CSP (Content Security Policy) as JSON3 does not use `eval()`. JSON3 will be used if a browser does not provide a native JSON API. We are using `JSON3` in a way that it will not conflict if your website is using `JSON3` as well.
* The option `branch` of the console command `development:sync-system-test-processed` was removed as it is no longer needed.
* All numbers in reports will now appear formatted (eg. `1,000,000` instead of `1000000`)
* Database connections now use `UTF-8` charset explicitely to force UTF-8 data handling
## Piwik 2.14.0
### Breaking Changes
* The `UserSettings` API has been removed. The API was deprecated in earlier versions. Use `DevicesDetection`, `Resolution` and `DevicePlugins` API instead.
* Many translations have been moved to the new Intl plugin. Most of them will still work, but please update their usage. See https://github.com/piwik/piwik/pull/8101 for a full list
### New features
* The JavaScript Tracker does now track outlinks and downloads if a user opens the context menu if the `enabled` parameter of the `enableLinkTracking()` method is set to `true`. To use this new feature use `tracker.enableLinkTracking(true)` or `_paq.push(['enableLinkTracking', true]);`. This is not industry standard and is vulnerable to false positives since not every user will select "Open in a new tab" when the context menu is shown. Most users will do though and it will lead to more accurate results in most cases.
* The JavaScript Tracker now contains the 'heart beat' feature which can be used to obtain more accurate visit lengths by periodically sending 'ping' requests to Piwik. To use this feature use `tracker.enableHeartBeatTimer();` or `_paq.push(['enableHeartBeatTimer']);`. By default, a ping request will be sent every 15 seconds. You can specify a custom ping delay (in seconds) by passing an argument, eg, `tracker.enableHeartBeatTimer(10);` or `_paq.push(['enableHeartBeatTimer', 10]);`.
* New custom segment `languageCode` that lets you segment visitors that are using a particular language. Example values: `de`, `fr`, `en-gb`, `zh-cn`, etc.
* Segment `userId` now supports any segment operator (previously only operator Contains `=@` was supported for this segment).
### Commands updates
* The command `core:archive` now has two new parameter: `--force-idsegments` and `--skip-idsegments` that let you force (or skip) processing archives for one or several custom segments.
* The command `scheduled-tasks:run` now has an argument `task` that lets you force run a particular scheduled task.
### Library updates
* Updated pChart library from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4. The files were moved from the directory `libs/pChart2.1.3` to `libs/pChart`
### Internal change
* To execute UI tests "ImageMagick" is now required.
* The Q JavaScript promise library is now distributed with tests and can be used in the piwik.js tests.
## Piwik 2.13.0
### Breaking Changes
* The API method `Live.getLastVisitsDetails` does no longer support the API parameter `filter_sort_column` to prevent possible memory issues when `filter_offset` is large.
* The Event `Site.setSite` was removed as it causes performance problems.
* `piwik.php` does now return a HTTP 400 (Bad request) if requested without any tracking parameters (GET/POST). If you still want to use `piwik.php` for checks please use `piwik.php?rec=0`.
### Deprecations
* The method `Piwik\Archive::getBlob()` has been deprecated and will be removed from June 1st 2015. Use one of the methods `getDataTable*()` methods instead.
* The API parameter `countVisitorsToFetch` of the API method `Live.getLastVisitsDetails` has been deprecated as `filter_offset` and `filter_limit` work correctly now.
### New commands
* There is now a `diagnostic:run` command to run the system check from the command line.
* There is now an option `--xhprof` that can be used with any command to profile that command via XHProf.
### APIs Improvements
* Visitor details now additionally contain: `deviceTypeIcon`, `deviceBrand` and `deviceModel`
* In 2.6.0 we added the possibility to use `filter_limit` and `filter_offset` if an API returns an indexed array. This was not working in all cases and is fixed now.
* The API parameter `filter_pattern` and `filter_offset[]` can now be used if an API returns an indexed array.
### Internal changes
* The referrer spam filter has moved from the `referrer_urls_spam` INI option (in `global.ini.php`) to a separate package (see [https://github.com/piwik/referrer-spam-blacklist](https://github.com/piwik/referrer-spam-blacklist)).
## Piwik 2.12.0
### Breaking Changes
* The deprecated method `Period::factory()` has been removed. Use `Period\Factory` instead.
* The deprecated method `Config::getConfigSuperUserForBackwardCompatibility()` has been removed.
* The deprecated methods `MenuAdmin::addEntry()` and `MenuAdmin::removeEntry()` have been removed. Use `Piwik\Plugin\Menu` instead.
* The deprecated methods `MenuTop::addEntry()` and `MenuTop::removeEntry()` have been removed. Use `Piwik\Plugin\Menu` instead.
* The deprecated method `SettingsPiwik::rewriteTmpPathWithInstanceId()` has been removed.
* The following deprecated methods from the `Piwik\IP` class have been removed, use `Piwik\Network\IP` instead:
* `sanitizeIp()`
* `sanitizeIpRange()`
* `P2N()`
* `N2P()`
* `prettyPrint()`
* `isIPv4()`
* `long2ip()`
* `isIPv6()`
* `isMappedIPv4()`
* `getIPv4FromMappedIPv6()`
* `getIpsForRange()`
* `isIpInRange()`
* `getHostByAddr()`
### Deprecations
* `API` classes should no longer have a protected constructor. Classes with a protected constructor will generate a notice in the logs and should expose a public constructor instead.
* Update classes should not declare static `getSql()` and `update()` methods anymore. It is still supported to use those, but developers should instead override the `Updates::getMigrationQueries()` and `Updates::doUpdate()` instance methods.
### New features
* `API` classes can now use dependency injection in their constructor to inject other instances.
### New commands
* There is now a command `core:purge-old-archive-data` that can be used to manually purge temporary, error-ed and invalidated archives from one or more archive tables.
* There is now a command `usercountry:attribute` that can be used to re-attribute geolocated location data to existing visits and conversions. If you have visits that were tracked before setting up GeoIP, you can use this command to add location data to them.
## Piwik 2.11.0
### Breaking Changes
* The event `User.getLanguage` has been removed.
* The following deprecated event has been removed: `TaskScheduler.getScheduledTasks`
* Special handling for operating system `Windows` has been removed. Like other operating systems all versions will now only be reported as `Windows` with versions like `XP`, `7`, `8`, etc.
* Reporting for operating systems has been adjusted to report information according to browser information. Visitor details now contain: `operatingSystemName`, `operatingSystemIcon`, `operatingSystemCode` and `operatingSystemVersion`
### Deprecations
* The following methods have been deprecated in favor of the new `Piwik\Intl` component:
* `Piwik\Common::getContinentsList()`: use `RegionDataProvider::getContinentList()` instead
* `Piwik\Common::getCountriesList()`: use `RegionDataProvider::getCountryList()` instead
* `Piwik\Common::getLanguagesList()`: use `LanguageDataProvider::getLanguageList()` instead
* `Piwik\Common::getLanguageToCountryList()`: use `LanguageDataProvider::getLanguageToCountryList()` instead
* `Piwik\Metrics\Formatter::getCurrencyList()`: use `CurrencyDataProvider::getCurrencyList()` instead
* The `Piwik\Translate` class has been deprecated in favor of `Piwik\Translation\Translator`.
* The `core:plugin` console has been deprecated in favor of the new `plugin:list`, `plugin:activate` and `plugin:deactivate` commands
* The following classes have been deprecated:
* `Piwik\TaskScheduler`: use `Piwik\Scheduler\Scheduler` instead
* `Piwik\ScheduledTask`: use `Piwik\Scheduler\Task` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getLanguage` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `UserLanguage.getLanguage` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getLanguageCode` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `UserLanguage.getLanguageCode` instead
* The `Piwik\Registry` class has been deprecated in favor of using the container:
* `Registry::get('auth')` should be replaced with `StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Auth')`
* `Registry::set('auth', $auth)` should be replaced with `StaticContainer::getContainer()->set('Piwik\Auth', $auth)`
### New features
* You can now generate UI / screenshot tests using the command `generate:test`
* During UI tests we do now add a CSS class to the HTML element called `uiTest`. This allows you do hide content when screenshots are captured.
### New commands
* A new command (core:fix-duplicate-log-actions) has been added which can be used to remove duplicate actions and correct references to them in other tables. Duplicates were caused by this bug: [#6436](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/6436)
### Library updates
* Updated AngularJS from 1.2.26 to 1.2.28
* Updated piwik/device-detector from 2.8 to 3.0
### Internal change
* UI specs were moved from `tests/PHPUnit/UI` to `tests/UI`. We also moved the UI specs directly into the Piwik repository meaning the [piwik-ui-tests](https://github.com/piwik/piwik-ui-tests) repository contains only the expected screenshots from now on.
* There is a new command `development:sync-system-test-processed` for core developers that allows you to copy processed test results from travis to your local dev environment.
## Piwik 2.10.0
### Breaking Changes
* API responses containing visitor information will no longer contain the fields `screenType` and `screenTypeIcon` as those reports have been completely removed
* os, browser and browser plugin icons are now located in the DevicesDetection and DevicePlugins plugin. If you are not using the Reporting or Metadata API to get the icon locations please update your paths.
* The deprecated method `Piwik\SettingsPiwik::rewriteTmpPathWithHostname()` has been removed.
* The following events have been removed:
* `Log.formatFileMessage`
* `Log.formatDatabaseMessage`
* `Log.formatScreenMessage`
* These events have been removed as Piwik now uses the Monolog logging library. [Learn more.](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/logging)
* The event `Log.getAvailableWriters` has been removed: to add custom log backends, you now need to configure Monolog handlers
* The INI options `log_only_when_cli` and `log_only_when_debug_parameter` have been removed
### Library updates
* We added the `symfony/var-dumper` library allowing you to better print any arbitrary PHP variable via `dump($var1, $var2, ...)`.
* Piwik now uses [Monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog) as a logger.
* The tracker proxy (previously in `misc/proxy-hide-piwik-url/`) has been moved to a separate repository: [https://github.com/piwik/tracker-proxy](https://github.com/piwik/tracker-proxy).
### Deprecations
* Some duplicate reports from UserSettings plugin have been removed. Widget URLs for those reports will still work till May 1st 2015. Please update those to the new reports of DevicesDetection plugin.
* The API method `UserSettings.getBrowserVersion` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getBrowserVersions` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getBrowser` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getBrowsers` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getOSFamily` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getOsFamilies` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getOS` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getOsVersions` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getMobileVsDesktop` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getType` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getBrowserType` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicesDetection.getBrowserEngines` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getResolution` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `Resolution.getResolution` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getConfiguration` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `Resolution.getConfiguration` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getPlugin` is deprecated and will be removed from May 1st 2015. Use `DevicePlugins.getPlugin` instead
* The API method `UserSettings.getWideScreen` has been removed. Use `UserSettings.getScreenType` instead.
* `Piwik\SettingsPiwik::rewriteTmpPathWithInstanceId()` has been deprecated. Instead of hardcoding the `tmp/` path everywhere in the codebase and then calling `rewriteTmpPathWithInstanceId()`, developers should get the `path.tmp` configuration value from the DI container (e.g. `StaticContainer::getContainer()->get('path.tmp')`).
* The method `Piwik\Log::setLogLevel()` has been deprecated
* The method `Piwik\Log::getLogLevel()` has been deprecated
## Piwik 2.9.1
### Breaking Changes
* The HTTP Tracker API does now respond with a HTTP 400 instead of a HTTP 500 in case an invalid `idsite` is used
### New APIs
* New URL parameter `send_image=0` in the [HTTP Tracking API](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-api) to receive a HTTP 204 response code instead of a GIF image. This improves performance and can fix errors if images are not allowed to be obtained directly (eg Chrome Apps).
### New commands
* `core:plugin list` lists all plugins currently activated in Piwik.
## Piwik 2.9.0
### Breaking Changes
* Development related [console commands](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/piwik-on-the-command-line) are only available if the development mode is enabled. To enable the development mode execute `./console development:enable`.
* The command `php console core:update` does no longer have a parameter `--dry-run`. A dry run is now executed by default followed by a question whether one actually wants to execute the updates. To skip this confirmation step one can use the `--yes` option.
### Deprecations
* Most methods of `Piwik\IP` have been deprecated in favor of the new [piwik/network](https://github.com/piwik/component-network) component.
* The file `tests/PHPUnit/phpunit.xml` is no longer needed in order to run tests and we suggest to delete it. The test configuration is now done automatically if possible. In case the tests do no longer work check out the `[tests]` section in `config/global.ini.php`
### Library updates
* Code for manipulating IP addresses has been moved to a separate standalone component: [piwik/network](https://github.com/piwik/component-network). Backward compatibility is kept in Piwik core.
## Piwik 2.8.2
### Library updates
* Updated AngularJS from 1.2.25 to 1.2.26
* Updated jQuery from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1
## Piwik 2.8.0
### Breaking Changes
* The Auth interface has been modified, existing Auth implementations will have to be modified. Changes include:
* The initSession method has been moved. Since this behavior must be executed for every Auth implementation, it has been put into a new class: SessionInitializer.
If your Auth implementation implements its own session logic you will have to extend and override SessionInitializer.
* The following methods have been added: setPassword, setPasswordHash, getTokenAuthSecret and getLogin.
* Clarifying semantics of each method and what they must support and can support.
* **Read the documentation for the [Auth interface](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Auth) to learn more.**
* The `Piwik\Unzip\*` classes have been extracted out of the Piwik repository into a separate component named [Decompress](https://github.com/piwik/component-decompress).
* `Piwik\Unzip` has not moved, it is kept for backward compatibility. If you have been using that class, you don't need to change anything.
* The `Piwik\Unzip\*` classes (Tar, PclZip, Gzip, ZipArchive) have moved to the `Piwik\Decompress\*` namespace (inside the new repository).
* `Piwik\Unzip\UncompressInterface` has been moved and renamed to `Piwik\Decompress\DecompressInterface` (inside the new repository).
### Deprecations
* The `Piwik::setUserHasSuperUserAccess` method is deprecated, instead use Access::doAsSuperUser. This method will ensure that super user access is properly rescinded after the callback finishes.
* The class `\IntegrationTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\SystemTestCase` instead.
* The class `\DatabaseTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\IntegrationTestCase` instead.
* The class `\BenchmarkTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\BenchmarkTestCase` instead.
* The class `\ConsoleCommandTestCase` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestCase\ConsoleCommandTestCase` instead.
* The class `\FakeAccess` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeAccess` instead.
* The class `\Piwik\Tests\Fixture` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6th 2015. Use `\Piwik\Tests\Framework\Fixture` instead.
* The class `\Piwik\Tests\OverrideLogin` is deprecated and will be removed from February 6ths 2015. Use `\Piwik\Framework\Framework\OverrideLogin` instead.
### New API Features
* The pivotBy and related query parameters can be used to pivot reports by another dimension. Read more about the new query parameters [here](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/reporting-api#optional-api-parameters).
### Library updates
* Updated AngularJS from 1.2.13 to 1.2.25
### New commands
* `generate:angular-directive` Let's you easily generate a template for a new angular directive for any plugin.
### Internal change
* Piwik 2.8.0 now requires PHP >= 5.3.3.
* If you use an older PHP version, please upgrade now to the latest PHP so you can enjoy improvements and security fixes in Piwik.
## Piwik 2.7.0
### Reporting APIs
* Several APIs will now expose a new metric `nb_users` which measures the number of unique users when a [User ID](http://piwik.org/docs/user-id/) is set.
* New APIs have been added for [Content Tracking](http://piwik.org/docs/content-tracking/) feature: Contents.getContentNames, Contents.getContentPieces
### Deprecations
* The `Piwik\Menu\MenuAbstract::add()` method is deprecated in favor of `addItem()`. Read more about this here: [#6140](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/6140). We do not plan to remove the deprecated method before Piwik 3.0.
### New APIs
* It is now easier to generate the URL for a menu item see [#6140](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/6140), [urlForDefaultAction()](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Menu#urlfordefaultaction), [urlForAction()](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Menu#urlforaction), [urlForModuleAction()](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Menu#urlformoduleaction)
### New commands
* `core:clear-caches` Lets you easily delete all caches. This command can be useful for instance after updating Piwik files manually.
## Piwik 2.6.0
### Deprecations
* The `'json'` API format is considered deprecated. We ask all new code to use the `'json2'` format. Eventually when Piwik 3.0 is released the `'json'` format will be replaced with `'json2'`. Differences in the json2 format include:
* A bug in JSON formatting was fixed so API methods that return simple associative arrays like `array('name' => 'value', 'name2' => 'value2')` will now appear correctly as `{"name":"value","name2":"value2"}` in JSON API output instead of `[{"name":"value","name2":"value2"}]`. API methods like **SitesManager.getSiteFromId** & **UsersManager.getUser** are affected.
#### Reporting API
* If an API returns an indexed array, it is now possible to use `filter_limit` and `filter_offset`. This was before only possible if an API returned a DataTable.
* The Live API now returns only visitor information of activated plugins. So if for instance the Referrers plugin is deactivated a visitor won't contain any referrers related properties. This is a bugfix as the API was crashing before if some core plugins were deactivated. Affected methods are for instance `getLastVisitDetails` or `getVisitorProfile`. If all core plugins are enabled as by default there will be no change at all except the order of the properties within one visitor.
### New commands
* `core:run-scheduled-tasks` Let's you run all scheduled tasks due to run at this time. Useful for instance when testing tasks.
#### Internal change
* We removed our own autoloader that was used to load Piwik files in favor of the composer autoloader which we already have been using for some libraries. This means the file `core/Loader.php` will no longer exist. In case you are using Piwik from Git make sure to run `php composer.phar self-update && php composer.phar install` to make your Piwik work again. Also make sure to no longer include `core/Loader.php` in case it is used in any custom script.
* We do no longer store the list of plugins that are used during tracking in the config file. They are dynamically detect instead. The detection of a tracker plugin works the same as before. A plugin has to either listen to any `Tracker.*` or `Request.initAuthenticationObject` event or it has to define dimensions in order to be detected as a tracker plugin.
## Piwik 2.5.0
### Breaking Changes
* Javascript Tracking API: if you are using `getCustomVariable` function to access custom variables values that were set on previous page views, you now must also call `storeCustomVariablesInCookie` before the first call to `trackPageView`. Read more about [Javascript Tracking here](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-javascript).
* The [settings](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/piwik-configuration) API will receive the actual entered value and will no longer convert characters like `&` to `&amp;`. If you still want this behavior - for instance to prevent XSS - you can define a filter by setting the `transform` property like this:
`$setting->transform = function ($value) { return Common::sanitizeInputValue($value); }`
* Config setting `disable_merged_assets` moved from `Debug` section to `Development`. The updater will automatically change the section for you.
* `API.getRowEvolution` will throw an exception if a report is requested that does not have a dimension, for instance `VisitsSummary.get`. This is a fix as an invalid format was returned before see [#5951](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/5951)
* `MultiSites.getAll` returns from now on always an array of websites. In the past it returned a single object and it didn't contain all properties in case only one website was found which was a bug see [#5987](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/5987)
### Deprecations
The following events are considered as deprecated and the new structure should be used in the future. We have not scheduled when those events will be removed but probably in Piwik 3.0 which is not scheduled yet and won't be soon. New features will be added only to the new classes.
* `API.getReportMetadata`, `API.getSegmentDimensionMetadata`, `Goals.getReportsWithGoalMetrics`, `ViewDataTable.configure`, `ViewDataTable.getDefaultType`: use [Report](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Report) class instead to define new reports. There is an updated guide as well [Part1](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/getting-started-part-1)
* `WidgetsList.addWidgets`: use [Widgets](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Widgets) class instead to define new widgets
* `Menu.Admin.addItems`, `Menu.Reporting.addItems`, `Menu.Top.addItems`: use [Menu](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Menu) class instead
* `TaskScheduler.getScheduledTasks`: use [Tasks](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Tasks) class instead to define new tasks
* `Tracker.recordEcommerceGoal`, `Tracker.recordStandardGoals`, `Tracker.newConversionInformation`: use [Conversion Dimension](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Dimension/ConversionDimension) class instead
* `Tracker.existingVisitInformation`, `Tracker.newVisitorInformation`, `Tracker.getVisitFieldsToPersist`: use [Visit Dimension](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Dimension/VisitDimension) class instead
* `ViewDataTable.addViewDataTable`: This event is no longer needed. Visualizations are automatically discovered if they are placed within a `Visualizations` directory inside the plugin.
### New features
#### Translation search
As a plugin developer you might want to reuse existing translation keys. You can now find all available translations and translation keys by opening the page "Settings => Development:Translation search" in your Piwik installation. Read more about [internationalization](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/internationalization) here.
#### Reporting API
It is now possible to use the `filter_sort_column` parameter when requesting `Live.getLastVisitDetails`. For instance `&filter_sort_column=visitCount`.
#### @since annotation
We are using `@since` annotations in case we are introducing new API's to make it easy to see in which Piwik version a new method was added. This information is now displayed in the [Classes API-Reference](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/classes).
### New APIs
* [Report](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Report) to add a new report
* [Action Dimension](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Dimension/ActionDimension) to add a dimension that tracks action related information
* [Visit Dimension](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Dimension/VisitDimension) to add a dimension that tracks visit related information
* [Conversion Dimension](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Dimension/ConversionDimension) to add a dimension that tracks conversion related information
* [Dimension](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Columns/Dimension) to add a basic non tracking dimension that can be used in `Reports`
* [Widgets](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Widgets) to add or modfiy widgets
* These Menu classes got new methods that make it easier to add new items to a specific section
* [MenuAdmin](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Menu/MenuAdmin) to add or modify admin menu items.
* [MenuReporting](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Menu/MenuReporting) to add or modify reporting menu items
* [MenuUser](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Menu/MenuUser) to add or modify user menu items
* [Tasks](http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/Piwik/Plugin/Tasks) to add scheduled tasks
### New commands
* `generate:theme` Let's you easily generate a new theme and customize colors, see the [Theming guide](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/theming)
* `generate:update` Let's you generate an update file
* `generate:report` Let's you generate a report
* `generate:dimension` Let's you enhance the tracking by adding new dimensions
* `generate:menu` Let's you generate a menu class to add or modify menu items
* `generate:widgets` Let's you generate a widgets class to add or modify widgets
* `generate:tasks` Let's you generate a tasks class to add or modify tasks
* `development:enable` Let's you enable the development mode which will will disable some caching to make code changes directly visible and it will assist developers by performing additional checks to prevent for instance typos. Should not be used in production.
* `development:disable` Let's you disable the development mode
## Template: Piwik version number
### Breaking Changes
### Deprecations
### New features
### New APIs
### New commands
### New guides
### Library updates
### Internal change
Find the general Piwik Changelogs for each release at [piwik.org/changelog](http://piwik.org/changelog/)

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# How to contribute
Great to have you here! Read the following guide on our developer zone to learn how you can help make this project better!
## How to submit a bug report or suggest a feature?
Please read the recommendations on writing a good [bug report](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/core-team-workflow#submitting-a-bug-report) or [feature request](http://developer.piwik.org/guides/core-team-workflow#submitting-a-feature-request).
## How to suggest improvements to translations?
You can help improve translations in Piwik, please read [contribute to translations](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/blob/master/lang/README.md).

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Piwik - Open Source Web Analytics
Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
The software package is:
Copyright (C) 2013 Matthieu Aubry
Copyright (C) 2014 Matthieu Aubry
Individual contributions, components, and libraries are copyright
of their respective authors.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ CREDITS
For detailed contribution history, refer to the source, tickets,
patches, and Git revision history, available at
Link: https://github.com/piwik/piwik/blob/master/libs/PiwikTracker/
License: New BSD
Name: UserAgentParser
Link: https://github.com/piwik/piwik/blob/master/libs/UserAgentParser/
License: New BSD
Name: DeviceDetector
Link: https://github.com/piwik/device-detector
License: LGPL
Name: Piwik/Decompress
Link: https://github.com/piwik/component-decompress
License: LGPL v3.0
Name: Piwik/Network
Link: https://github.com/piwik/component-network
License: LGPL v3.0
Name: jqPlot
Link: http://www.jqplot.com/
License: Dual-licensed: MIT or GPL v2
License: Dual-licensed: MIT (Expat) or GPL v2
Name: jQuery
Link: http://jquery.com/
License: Dual-licensed: MIT or GPL
License: Dual-licensed: MIT (Expat) or GPL
- GPL version not explicitly stated in source but GPL v2 is in git
- includes Sizzle.js - multi-licensed: MIT, New BSD, or GPL [v2]
- includes Sizzle.js - multi-licensed: MIT (Expat), New BSD, or GPL [v2]
Name: jQuery UI
Link: http://jqueryui.com/
License: Dual-licensed: MIT or GPL
License: Dual-licensed: MIT (Expat) or GPL
- GPL version not explicitly stated in source but GPL v2 is in git
Name: jquery.history
Link: http://tkyk.github.com/jquery-history-plugin/
License: MIT
License: MIT (Expat)
Name: jquery.scrollTo
Link: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/ScrollTo
License: Dual licensed: MIT or GPL
License: Dual licensed: MIT (Expat) or GPL
Name: jquery Tooltip
Link: http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-tooltip/
License: Dual licensed: MIT or GPL
License: Dual licensed: MIT (Expat) or GPL
Name: jquery placeholder
Link: http://mths.be/placeholder
License: Dual licensed: MIT or GPL
License: Dual licensed: MIT (Expat) or GPL
Name: jquery smartbanner
Link: https://github.com/jasny/jquery.smartbanner
License: Dual licensed: MIT
License: Dual licensed: MIT (Expat)
Name: json2.js
Link: http://json.org/
Name: Zend Framework
Link: http://www.zendframework.com/
License: New BSD
Name: pChart 2.1.3
Name: pChart 2.1.4
Link: http://www.pchart.net
License: GPL v3
Name: Raphaël - JavaScript Vector Library
Link: http://raphaeljs.com/
License: MIT
License: MIT (Expat)
Name: lessphp
Link: http://leafo.net/lessphp
License: GPL3/MIT
License: GPL3, MIT (Expat)
Name: Symfony Console Component
Link: https://github.com/symfony/Console
License: MIT
License: MIT (Expat)
Name: AngularJS
Link: https://github.com/angular/angular.js
License: MIT (Expat)
Name: Mousetrap
Link: https://github.com/ccampbell/mousetrap
License: Apache 2.0
Name: PHP-DI
Link: http://php-di.org/
License: MIT (Expat)
@ -235,10 +255,6 @@ THIRD-PARTY CONTENT
- used in ImageGraph plugin
Name: plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/images/themes.png
Link: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/17022/colors_draw_paint_icon
License: Free for commercial use
Name: plugins/Feedback/angularjs/ratefeature/thumbs-down.png
Link: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/216428/down_thumbs_icon
License: Creative Commons (Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)
@ -247,10 +263,6 @@ THIRD-PARTY CONTENT
Link: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/216429/thumbs_up_icon
License: Creative Commons (Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)
Name: plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/images/plugins.png
Link: http://findicons.com/icon/94051/tools_wizard?id=396912
License: GNU/GPL
Name: plugins/Insights/images/idea.png
Link: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6074/brainstorm_bulb_idea_jabber_light_icon
License: GPL
@ -259,7 +271,6 @@ THIRD-PARTY CONTENT
- the "New BSD" license refers to either the "Modified BSD" and "Simplified BSD"
licenses (2- or 3-clause), which are GPL compatible.
- the "MIT" license is also referred to as the "X11" license
- icons for browsers, operating systems, browser plugins, search engines, and
and flags of countries are nominative use of third-party trademarks when
referring to the corresponding product or entity

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Privacy
This is a summary of all of the components within Piwik which may affect your privacy in some way. Please keep in mind
third party Themes, Plugins or Apps may introduce privacy concerns not listed here.
## Privacy for users being tracked by Piwik
In this section we document how to protect the privacy of visitors who are tracked by your Piwik analytics service.
### Anonymise visitor IP addresses
By default, Piwik stores the visitor IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 format) in the database for each new visitor.
If a visitor has a static IP address this means her browsing history can be easily identified across several days and
even across several websites tracked within the same Piwik server. You can anonymize IP addresses to ensure visitors cannot
be tracked this way: [How to anonymise IP addresses.](http://piwik.org/docs/privacy/#step-1-automatically-anonymize-visitor-ips)
### Delete old visitors logs
By default, Piwik stores tracked data forever. To better respect the privacy of your users, it is recommended to regularly
purge old data. You can configure Piwik to automatically delete log data older than a specified number of months:
[How to delete old visitors log data.](http://piwik.org/docs/privacy/#step-2-delete-old-visitors-logs)
### Include a tracking Opt-Out feature on your site
In your website, we recommended providing an easy way for your visitors to “opt-out” of being tracked by Piwik.
You can use the Opt-Out feature to display a link your website that sets a special browser cookie (`piwik_ignore`) when
clicked. Visitors that click that link will be ignored by Piwik in the future:
[How to include a tracking opt-out iframe.](http://piwik.org/docs/privacy/#step-3-include-a-web-analytics-opt-out-feature-on-your-site-using-an-iframe)
### Respect DoNotTrack preference
Do Not Track is a browser-level technology and policy proposal that lets visitors opt out of tracking by websites they
do not visit. Visitors can enable this preference in their browser, and then it's up to Piwik to respect it. By default,
Piwik is configured to ignore visitors that have enabled it:
[How to check if your Piwik respects DoNotTrack.] (http://piwik.org/docs/privacy/#step-4-respect-donottrack-preference)
### Disable tracking cookies
A cookie is a collection of information that a website stores on a visitors computer and accesses each time the visitor
returns. By default, Piwik uses cookies to aid in tracking visitor behavior. If someone gains access to a visitor's
computer, they could learn a few things about how the visitor visited your website. For many websites, this isn't a
problem, but for others where a strong level of privacy is required (like online banking), disabling tracking cookies may
be a good idea: [How to disable tracking cookies.](http://piwik.org/faq/general/faq_157/)
### Keep your visitors details private
Any user that has at least `view` access (the default access level) to Piwik can view detailed information for all users
tracked in Piwik (such as their IP addresses, visitor IDs, details of all past visits and actions, etc.) through features
provided by the `Live` plugin (such as the Visitor Log and Visitor Profile). As the Piwik administrator, you may decide
that not all of your users need access to this data. You can deactivate the `Live` plugin to prevent users from viewing
visitor details in the Administration > Plugins page.
## Privacy for Piwik admins and website owners
In this section we document how a Piwik administrator can better protect their own privacy.
### Keep your Piwik server URL private
By default, the Piwik Javascript code on all tracked websites contains the Piwik server URL. In some cases you might
want to hide this Piwik URL completely while still tracking all websites in your Piwik instance. To hide your Piwik
server's URL, you can modify the Javascript Tracking code and point it to a proxy piwik.php script instead of your actual
Piwik server: [How to keep Piwik server URL private.](http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/faq_132/)
### Automatic update check
From time to time, Piwik uses `api.piwik.org` to check if the current version of Piwik is the latest version of Piwik.
If an update is available, a notification is displayed allowing you to upgrade Piwik. To disable the update check,
and stop your instance from sending HTTP requests to `api.piwik.org`, deactivate the "Automatic update" feature by
setting `enable_auto_update = 0` in your configuration file `config/config.ini.php`.
Learn more about [Privacy in Piwik](http://piwik.org/privacy/).

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@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
# Piwik - piwik.org
# Piwik - piwik.org
[![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/piwik/piwik/v/stable)](https://packagist.org/packages/piwik/piwik)
[![Latest Unstable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/piwik/piwik/v/unstable)](https://packagist.org/packages/piwik/piwik)
[![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/piwik/piwik/downloads)](https://packagist.org/packages/piwik/piwik)
## Code Status
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/piwik/piwik.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/piwik/piwik)
[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](https://img.shields.io/scrutinizer/g/piwik/piwik.svg)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/piwik/piwik?branch=master)
[![Code Coverage](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/piwik/piwik/badges/coverage.png?b=master)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/piwik/piwik/?branch=master)
[![Average time to resolve an issue](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/resolution/piwik/piwik.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/piwik/piwik "Average time to resolve an issue")
[![Percentage of issues still open](http://isitmaintained.com/badge/open/piwik/piwik.svg)](http://isitmaintained.com/project/piwik/piwik "Percentage of issues still open")
## Description
Piwik is the leading Free/Libre open source Web Analytics platform.
Piwik is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform.
Piwik is a full featured PHP MySQL software program that you download and install on your own webserver.
At the end of the five minute installation process you will be given a JavaScript code.
Simply copy and paste this tag on websites you wish to track and access your analytics reports in real time.
Piwik aims to be a Free software alternative to Google Analytics, and is already used on more than 1,000,000 websites.
Piwik aims to be a Free software alternative to Google Analytics, and is already used on more than 1,000,000 websites. Privacy is built-in!
## Mission Statement
@ -21,17 +34,27 @@ Or in short:
Piwik is released under the GPL v3 (or later) license, see [misc/gpl-3.0.txt](misc/gpl-3.0.txt)
## Were seeking a talented Software Engineer
Are you looking for a new challenge? We are currently seeking a software engineer or software developer who is passionate about data processing, security, privacy, the open source and free/libre philosophy and usable interface design.
[View Job Description](https://piwik.org/blog/2015/01/piwik-expanding-seeking-talented-software-engineer-new-zealand-poland/) - [Apply online](http://piwik.org/jobs/)
This is for a full time position to work on the open source Piwik platform, either remotely or we can help the right candidate relocate to beautiful New Zealand (Wellington) or Poland (Wroclaw).
We are grateful if you can share the job description with your friends and wider network!
## Requirements
* PHP 5.3.2 or greater
* PHP 5.3.3 or greater
* MySQL 4.1 or greater, and either MySQLi or PDO library must be enabled
* Piwik is OS / server independent
See http://piwik.org/docs/requirements/
## Install
## Install
* Upload piwik to your webserver
* Upload piwik to your webserver
* Point your browser to the directory
* Follow the steps
* Add the given javascript code to your pages
@ -43,7 +66,7 @@ If you do not have a server, consider our Piwik Hosting partner: http://piwik.or
## Changelog
For the list of all tickets closed in the current and past releases, see http://piwik.org/changelog/
For the list of all tickets closed in the current and past releases, see http://piwik.org/changelog/. For the list of technical changes in the Piwik platform, see [http://developer.piwik.org/changelog](http://developer.piwik.org/changelog).
## Participate!
@ -64,7 +87,7 @@ About us: http://piwik.org/the-piwik-team/
What makes Piwik unique from the competition:
* Real time web analytics reports: in Piwik, reports are by default generated in real time.
* Real time web analytics reports: in Piwik, reports are by default generated in real time.
For high traffic websites, you can choose the frequency for reports to be processed.
* You own your web analytics data: since Piwik is installed on your server, the data is stored in your own database and you can get all the statistics
@ -74,19 +97,12 @@ What makes Piwik unique from the competition:
* Modern, easy to use User Interface: you can fully customize your dashboard, drag and drop widgets and more.
* Piwik features are built inside plugins: you can add new features and remove the ones you dont need.
* Piwik features are built inside plugins: you can add new features and remove the ones you dont need.
You can build your own web analytics plugins or hire a consultant to have your custom feature built in Piwik
* Vibrant international Open community of more than 200,000 active users (tracking even more websites!)
* Advanced Web Analytics capabilities such as Ecommerce Tracking, Goal tracking, Campaign tracking,
* Advanced Web Analytics capabilities such as Ecommerce Tracking, Goal tracking, Campaign tracking,
Custom Variables, Email Reports, Custom Segment Editor, Geo Location, Real time maps, and more!
Documentation and more info on http://piwik.org
## Code Status
The Piwik project uses an ever-expanding comprehensive set of thousands of unit tests and dozens of integration [tests](https://github.com/piwik/piwik/tree/master/tests),
running on the hosted distributed continuous integration platform Travis-CI.
Build status (master branch) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/piwik/piwik.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/piwik/piwik) - Screenshot tests Build [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/piwik/piwik-ui-tests.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/piwik/piwik-ui-tests)

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Reporting Security Issues
## Security Bug Bounty Program
The Piwik Security Bug Bounty Program is designed to encourage security research in Piwik software and to reward those who help us create the safest web analytics platform. The bounty for valid critical security bugs is a **$555** (US) cash reward. The bounty for non-critical bugs is **$242** (US), paid via Paypal.
## Responsible disclosure by email
If you have found a security issue in Piwik please read [our security notes](http://piwik.org/security/) regarding responsible disclosures.
[Email your Report Vulnerability to the Piwik Security team](mailto:security@piwik.org?subject=Reporting%20Vulnerability%20in%20Piwik)
## Improve your Piwik Server Security
[Secure Piwik server](http://piwik.org/docs/how-to-secure-piwik/): follow these steps to keep your Piwik data safe.
## Security announcements
Please subscribe to [the Changelog](http://piwik.org/changelog/) ([rss feed](http://piwik.org/changelog/feed/)) to be notified of new releases (including security releases).

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"name": "Piwik",
"main": "piwik.js",
"homepage": "http://piwik.org",
"authors": [
"Piwik.org <hello@piwik.org>"
"description": "the leading free/libre analytics platform",
"private": true,
"keywords": [
"dependencies": {
"jquery-ui": "1.10.4",
"jquery": "~1.11.0",
"angular": "~1.2.0",
"angular-sanitize": "~1.2.0",
"angular-animate": "~1.2.0",
"angular-cookies": "~1.2.0",
"angular-mocks": "~1.2.0",
"ngDialog": "~0.2.0",
"html5shiv": "~3.7.0",
"mousetrap": "~1.4.0",
"sprintf": "~1.0.0",
"jScrollPane": "~2.0.0",
"jquery-mousewheel": "~3.1.12",
"jquery-placeholder": "~2.0.8",
"jQuery.dotdotdot": "~1.7.2",
"jquery.scrollTo": "~1.4.13",
"chroma-js": "~0.6.0",
"visibilityjs": "~1.2.1"
"license": "GPLv3 or later",
"ignore": [

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "piwik/piwik",
"type": "application",
"description": "Open Source Real Time Web Analytics Platform",
"description": "the leading free/libre analytics platform",
"keywords": ["piwik","web","analytics"],
"homepage": "http://piwik.org",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
@ -14,17 +14,98 @@
"support": {
"forum": "http://forum.piwik.org/",
"issues": "http://dev.piwik.org/trac/roadmap",
"wiki": "http://dev.piwik.org/",
"issues": "https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues",
"wiki": "https://github.com/piwik/piwik/wiki",
"source": "https://github.com/piwik/piwik"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Piwik\\Plugins\\": "plugins/",
"Piwik\\": "core/"
"psr-0": {
"Zend_": "libs/",
"HTML_": "libs/",
"PEAR_": "libs/",
"Archive_": "libs/"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Piwik\\Tests\\": "tests/PHPUnit/"
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.2",
"twig/twig": "1.*",
"leafo/lessphp": "~0.3",
"symfony/console": ">=v2.3.5",
"tedivm/jshrink": "v0.5.1",
"mustangostang/spyc": "0.5.*",
"piwik/device-detector": "*"
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"twig/twig": "~1.0",
"leafo/lessphp": "~0.5.0",
"symfony/console": "~2.6.0",
"tedivm/jshrink": "~0.5.1",
"mustangostang/spyc": "~0.5.0",
"piwik/device-detector": "~3.0",
"piwik/decompress": "~1.0",
"piwik/network": "~0.1.0",
"piwik/cache": "~0.2.5",
"piwik/ini": "^1.0.6",
"php-di/php-di": "5.0.0-beta1",
"psr/log": "~1.0",
"monolog/monolog": "~1.11",
"symfony/monolog-bridge": "~2.6.0",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "~2.6.0",
"pear/pear_exception": "~1.0.0",
"piwik/referrer-spam-blacklist": "~1.0",
"piwik/searchengine-and-social-list": "~1.0",
"tecnickcom/tcpdf": "~6.0",
"piwik/piwik-php-tracker": "^1.0"
"require-dev": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "2.7.1",
"phpunit/phpunit": "~4.8",
"facebook/xhprof": "dev-master",
"phpseclib/phpseclib": "~0.3.8",
"symfony/var-dumper": "~2.6.0",
"symfony/yaml": "~2.6.0"
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "facebook/xhprof",
"type": "library",
"description": "XHProf: A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP",
"keywords": ["profiling", "performance"],
"homepage": "http://pecl.php.net/package/xhprof",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"version": "master",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.2.0"
"autoload": {
"files": [
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/phacility/xhprof",
"reference": "master"
"scripts": {
"pre-update-cmd": [
"pre-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
"post-install-cmd": [

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
<Files "*">
<IfModule mod_access.c>
Deny from all
<IfModule !mod_access_compat>
<IfModule mod_authz_host.c>
Deny from all
<IfModule mod_access_compat>
Deny from all
<IfVersion < 2.4>
Deny from all
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
Require all denied

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
return array(
'Piwik\Cache\Backend' => DI\object('Piwik\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache'),
'Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderInterface' => DI\object('Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache')
'Piwik\Translation\Loader\DevelopmentLoader' => DI\object()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeAccess;
use Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\TestConfig;
return array(
// Disable logging
'Psr\Log\LoggerInterface' => DI\object('Psr\Log\NullLogger'),
'Piwik\Cache\Backend' => function () {
return \Piwik\Cache::buildBackend('file');
'cache.eager.cache_id' => 'eagercache-test-',
// Disable loading core translations
'Piwik\Translation\Translator' => DI\decorate(function ($previous, ContainerInterface $c) {
$loadRealTranslations = $c->get('test.vars.loadRealTranslations');
if (!$loadRealTranslations) {
return new \Piwik\Translation\Translator($c->get('Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderInterface'), $directories = array());
} else {
return $previous;
'Piwik\Config' => DI\decorate(function ($previous, ContainerInterface $c) {
$testingEnvironment = $c->get('Piwik\Tests\Framework\TestingEnvironmentVariables');
$dontUseTestConfig = $c->get('test.vars.dontUseTestConfig');
if (!$dontUseTestConfig) {
$settingsProvider = $c->get('Piwik\Application\Kernel\GlobalSettingsProvider');
return new TestConfig($settingsProvider, $testingEnvironment, $allowSave = false, $doSetTestEnvironment = true);
} else {
return $previous;
'Piwik\Access' => DI\decorate(function ($previous, ContainerInterface $c) {
$testUseMockAuth = $c->get('test.vars.testUseMockAuth');
if ($testUseMockAuth) {
$idSitesAdmin = $c->get('test.vars.idSitesAdminAccess');
$access = new FakeAccess();
if (!empty($idSitesAdmin)) {
FakeAccess::$superUser = false;
FakeAccess::$idSitesAdmin = $idSitesAdmin;
FakeAccess::$identity = 'adminUserLogin';
} else {
FakeAccess::$superUser = true;
FakeAccess::$superUserLogin = 'superUserLogin';
return $access;
} else {
return $previous;
'observers.global' => DI\add(array(
array('AssetManager.getStylesheetFiles', function (&$stylesheets) {
$useOverrideCss = \Piwik\Container\StaticContainer::get('test.vars.useOverrideCss');
if ($useOverrideCss) {
$stylesheets[] = 'tests/resources/screenshot-override/override.css';
array('AssetManager.getJavaScriptFiles', function (&$jsFiles) {
$useOverrideJs = \Piwik\Container\StaticContainer::get('test.vars.useOverrideJs');
if ($useOverrideJs) {
$jsFiles[] = 'tests/resources/screenshot-override/override.js';
array('Updater.checkForUpdates', function () {
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// pass
array('Test.Mail.send', function (\Zend_Mail $mail) {
$outputFile = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tmp/' . Common::getRequestVar('module', '') . '.' . Common::getRequestVar('action', '') . '.mail.json';
$outputContent = str_replace("=\n", "", $mail->getBodyText($textOnly = true));
$outputContent = str_replace("=0A", "\n", $outputContent);
$outputContent = str_replace("=3D", "=", $outputContent);
$outputContents = array(
'from' => $mail->getFrom(),
'to' => $mail->getRecipients(),
'subject' => $mail->getSubject(),
'contents' => $outputContent
file_put_contents($outputFile, json_encode($outputContents));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
use Piwik\Container\StaticContainer;
return array(
// UI tests will remove the port from all URLs to the test server. if a test
// requires the ports in UI tests (eg, Overlay), add the api/controller methods
// to one of these blacklists
'tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.api' => array(),
'tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.controller' => array(),
'Piwik\Config' => \DI\decorate(function (\Piwik\Config $config) {
$config->General['cors_domains'][] = '*';
$config->General['trusted_hosts'][] = $config->tests['http_host'];
$config->General['trusted_hosts'][] = $config->tests['http_host'] . ':' . $config->tests['port'];
return $config;
'observers.global' => \DI\add(array(
// removes port from all URLs to the test Piwik server so UI tests will pass no matter
// what port is used
array('Request.dispatch.end', function (&$result) {
$request = $_GET + $_POST;
$apiblacklist = StaticContainer::get('tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.api');
if (!empty($request['method'])
&& in_array($request['method'], $apiblacklist)
) {
$controllerActionblacklist = StaticContainer::get('tests.ui.url_normalizer_blacklist.controller');
if (!empty($request['module'])
&& !empty($request['action'])
) {
$controllerAction = $request['module'] . '.' . $request['action'];
if (in_array($controllerAction, $controllerActionblacklist)) {
$config = \Piwik\Config::getInstance();
$host = $config->tests['http_host'];
$port = $config->tests['port'];
if (!empty($port)) {
// remove the port from URLs if any so UI tests won't fail if the port isn't 80
$result = str_replace($host . ':' . $port, $host, $result);
// remove PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH from result so tests don't change based on the machine used
$result = str_replace(realpath(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH), '', $result);
array('Controller.ExampleRssWidget.rssPiwik.end', function (&$result, $parameters) {
$result = "";

View file

@ -18,25 +18,46 @@ password =
dbname =
tables_prefix =
port = 3306
adapter = PDO_MYSQL
adapter = PDO\MYSQL
type = InnoDB
schema = Mysql
; if charset is set to utf8, Piwik will ensure that it is storing its data using UTF8 charset.
; it will add a sql query SET at each page view.
; Piwik should work correctly without this setting.
;charset = utf8
; Piwik should work correctly without this setting but we recommend to have a charset set.
charset = utf8
host = localhost
username = root
username = "@USERNAME@"
password =
dbname = piwik_tests
tables_prefix = piwiktests_
port = 3306
adapter = PDO_MYSQL
adapter = PDO\MYSQL
type = InnoDB
schema = Mysql
charset = utf8
; needed in order to run tests.
; if Piwik is available at http://localhost/dev/piwik/ replace @REQUEST_URI@ with /dev/piwik/
; note: the REQUEST_URI should not contain "plugins" or "tests" in the PATH
http_host = localhost
remote_addr = ""
request_uri = "@REQUEST_URI@"
port =
; access key and secret as listed in AWS -> IAM -> Users
aws_accesskey = ""
aws_secret = ""
; key pair name as listed in AWS -> EC2 -> Key Pairs. Key name should be different per user.
aws_keyname = ""
; PEM file can be downloaded after creating a new key pair in AWS -> EC2 -> Key Pairs
aws_pem_file = "<path to pem file>"
aws_securitygroups[] = "default"
aws_region = "us-east-1"
aws_ami = "ami-ac24bac4"
aws_instance_type = "c3.large"
; possible values for log: screen, database, file
@ -44,20 +65,36 @@ log_writers[] = screen
; log level, everything logged w/ this level or one of greater severity
; will be logged. everything else will be ignored. possible values are:
log_level = WARN
; if set to 1, only requests done in CLI mode (eg. the archive.php cron run) will be logged
; NOTE: log_only_when_debug_parameter will also be checked for
log_only_when_cli = 0
; if set to 1, only requests with "&debug" parameter will be logged
; NOTE: log_only_when_cli will also be checked for
log_only_when_debug_parameter = 0
; if configured to log in a file, log entries will be made to this file
logger_file_path = tmp/logs/piwik.log
; available backends are 'file', 'array', 'null', 'redis', 'chained'
; 'array' will cache data only during one request
; 'null' will not cache anything at all
; 'file' will cache on the filesystem
; 'redis' will cache on a Redis server, use this if you are running Piwik with multiple servers. Further configuration in [RedisCache] is needed
; 'chained' will chain multiple cache backends. Further configuration in [ChainedCache] is needed
backend = chained
; The chained cache will always try to read from the fastest backend first (the first listed one) to avoid requesting
; the same cache entry from the slowest backend multiple times in one request.
backends[] = array
backends[] = file
; Redis server configuration.
host = ""
port = 6379
timeout = 0.0
password = ""
database = 14
; In case you are using queued tracking: Make sure to configure a different database! Otherwise queued requests might
; be flushed
; if set to 1, the archiving process will always be triggered, even if the archive has already been computed
@ -72,40 +109,68 @@ always_archive_data_range = 0;
; NOTE: you must also set [log] log_writers[] = "screen" to enable the profiler to print on screen
enable_sql_profiler = 0
; if set to 1, a Piwik tracking code will be included in the Piwik UI footer and will track visits, pages, etc. to idsite = 1
; this is useful for Piwik developers as an easy way to create data in their local Piwik
track_visits_inside_piwik_ui = 0
; if set to 1, javascript files will be included individually and neither merged nor minified.
; this option must be set to 1 when adding, removing or modifying javascript files
disable_merged_assets = 0
; If set to 1, all requests to piwik.php will be forced to be 'new visitors'
tracker_always_new_visitor = 0
; Allow automatic upgrades to Beta or RC releases
allow_upgrades_to_beta = 0
; if set to 1, all SQL queries will be logged using the DEBUG log level
log_sql_queries = 0
; Set to 1 by default. If you set to 0, the standalone plugins (with their own git repositories)
; will not be loaded when executing tests.
enable_load_standalone_plugins_during_tests = 1
; When set to 1, standalone plugins (those with their own git repositories)
; will be loaded when executing tests.
enable_load_standalone_plugins_during_tests = 0
; Enables the development mode where we avoid most caching to make sure code changes will be directly applied as
; some caches are only invalidated after an update otherwise. When enabled it'll also performs some validation checks.
; For instance if you register a method in a widget we will verify whether the method actually exists and is public.
; If not, we will show you a helpful warning to make it easy to find simple typos etc.
enabled = 0
; if set to 1, javascript files will be included individually and neither merged nor minified.
; this option must be set to 1 when adding, removing or modifying javascript files
; Note that for quick debugging, instead of using below setting, you can add `&disable_merged_assets=1` to the Piwik URL
disable_merged_assets = 0
; the following settings control whether Unique Visitors will be processed for different period types.
; the following settings control whether Unique Visitors `nb_uniq_visitors` and Unique users `nb_users` will be processed for different period types.
; year and range periods are disabled by default, to ensure optimal performance for high traffic Piwik instances
; if you set it to 1 and want the Unique Visitors to be re-processed for reports in the past, drop all piwik_archive_* tables
; it is recommended to always enable Unique Visitors processing for 'day' periods
; it is recommended to always enable Unique Visitors and Unique Users processing for 'day' periods
enable_processing_unique_visitors_day = 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_week = 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_month = 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_year = 0
enable_processing_unique_visitors_range = 0
; controls whether Unique Visitors will be processed for groups of websites. these metrics describe the number
; of unique visitors across the entire set of websites, so if a visitor visited two websites in the group, she
; would still only be counted as one. only relevant when using plugins that group sites together
enable_processing_unique_visitors_multiple_sites = 0
; The list of periods that are available in the Piwik calendar
; Example use case: custom date range requests are processed in real time,
; so they may take a few minutes on very high traffic website: you may remove "range" below to disable this period
enabled_periods_UI = "day,week,month,year,range"
enabled_periods_API = "day,week,month,year,range"
; whether to enable subquery cache for Custom Segment archiving queries
enable_segments_subquery_cache = 0
; Any segment subquery that matches more than segments_subquery_cache_limit IDs will not be cached,
; and the original subquery executed instead.
segments_subquery_cache_limit = 100000
; TTL: Time to live for cache files, in seconds. Default to 60 minutes
segments_subquery_cache_ttl = 3600
; when set to 1, all requests to Piwik will return a maintenance message without connecting to the DB
; this is useful when upgrading using the shell command, to prevent other users from accessing the UI while Upgrade is in progress
maintenance_mode = 0
; Defines the release channel that shall be used. Currently available values are:
; "latest_stable", "latest_beta", "latest_2x_stable", "latest_2x_beta"
release_channel = "latest_stable"
; character used to automatically create categories in the Actions > Pages, Outlinks and Downloads reports
; for example a URL like "example.com/blog/development/first-post" will create
; the page first-post in the subcategory development which belongs to the blog category
@ -143,10 +208,36 @@ browser_archiving_disabled_enforce = 0
; By default, users can create Segments which are to be processed in Real-time.
; Setting this to 0 will force all newly created Custom Segments to be "Pre-processed (faster, requires archive.php cron)"
; This can be useful if you want to prevent users from adding much load on the server.
; Note: any existing Segment set to "processed in Real time", will still be set to Real-time.
; this will only affect custom segments added or modified after this setting is changed.
; Notes:
; * any existing Segment set to "processed in Real time", will still be set to Real-time.
; this will only affect custom segments added or modified after this setting is changed.
; * when set to 0 then any user with at least 'view' access will be able to create pre-processed segments.
enable_create_realtime_segments = 1
; Whether to enable the "Suggest values for segment" in the Segment Editor panel.
; Set this to 0 in case your Piwik database is very big, and suggested values may not appear in time
enable_segment_suggested_values = 1
; By default, any user with a "view" access for a website can create segment assigned to this website.
; Set this to "admin" or "superuser" to require that users should have at least this access to create new segments.
; Note: anonymous user (even if it has view access) is not allowed to create or edit segment.
; Possible values are "view", "admin", "superuser"
adding_segment_requires_access = "view"
; Whether it is allowed for users to add segments that affect all websites or not. If there are many websites
; this admin option can be used to prevent users from performing an action that will have a major impact
; on Piwik performance.
allow_adding_segments_for_all_websites = 1
; When archiving segments for the first time, this determines the oldest date that will be archived.
; This option can be used to avoid archiving (for isntance) the lastN years for every new segment.
; Valid option values include: "beginning_of_time" (start date of archiving will not be changed)
; "segment_last_edit_time" (start date of archiving will be the earliest last edit date found,
; if none is found, the created date is used)
; "segment_creation_time" (start date of archiving will be the creation date of the segment)
; lastN where N is an integer (eg "last10" to archive for 10 days before the segment creation date)
process_new_segments_from = "beginning_of_time"
; this action name is used when the URL ends with a slash /
; it is useful to have an actual string to write in the UI
action_default_name = index
@ -158,6 +249,11 @@ default_language = en
; default number of elements in the datatable
datatable_default_limit = 10
; Each datatable report has a Row Limit selector at the bottom right.
; By default you can select from 5 to 500 rows. You may customise the values below
; -1 will be displayed as 'all' and it will export all rows (filter_limit=-1)
datatable_row_limits = "5,10,25,50,100,250,500,-1"
; default number of rows returned in API responses
; this value is overwritten by the '# Rows to display' selector.
; if set to -1, a click on 'Export as' will export all rows independently of the current '# Rows to display'.
@ -175,21 +271,32 @@ default_day = yesterday
default_period = day
; Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. This setting is used only for today's statistics.
; Defaults to 10 seconds so that by default, Piwik provides real time reporting.
; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings".
; This setting is only used if it hasn't been overriden via the UI yet, or if enable_general_settings_admin=0
time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 10
time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 150
; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings".
; The default value is to allow browsers to trigger the Piwik archiving process.
; This setting is only used if it hasn't been overriden via the UI yet, or if enable_general_settings_admin=0
enable_browser_archiving_triggering = 1
; By default, Piwik will force archiving of range periods from browser requests, even if enable_browser_archiving_triggering
; is set to 0. This can sometimes create too much of a demand on system resources. Setting this option to 0 and setting
; enable_browser_archiving_triggering to 0 will make sure ranges are not archived on browser request. Since the cron
; archiver does not archive ranges, you must either disable ranges or make sure the ranges users' want to see will be
; processed somehow.
archiving_range_force_on_browser_request = 1
; By default Piwik runs OPTIMIZE TABLE SQL queries to free spaces after deleting some data.
; If your Piwik tracks millions of pages, the OPTIMIZE TABLE queries might run for hours (seen in "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST \g")
; so you can disable these special queries here:
enable_sql_optimize_queries = 1
; By default Piwik is purging complete date range archives to free spaces after deleting some data.
; If you are pre-processing custom ranges using CLI task to make them easily available in UI,
; you can prevent this action from happening by setting this parameter to value bigger than 1
purge_date_range_archives_after_X_days = 1
; MySQL minimum required version
; note: timezone support added in 4.1.3