2016-05-28 12:30:53 +02:00

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* The Legend of Z
* @author Oliver Hanraths <>
* @copyright 2014 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
* @license
* @link
namespace hhu\z\models;
* Model to interact with Charactertypes-table.
* @author Oliver Hanraths <>
class CharactertypesModel extends \hhu\z\Model
* Construct a new CharactertypesModel.
public function __construct()
* Get all Character types of a Seminary.
* @param int $seminaryId ID of Seminary to get types of
* @return array Character types
public function getCharacterTypesForSeminary($seminaryId)
return $this->db->query(
'SELECT id, seminary_id, name, url '.
'FROM charactertypes '.
'WHERE seminary_id = ? '.
'ORDER BY name ASC',
* Get Character type by its URL.
* @param int $seminaryId ID of Seminary
* @param string $charactertypeUrl URL-title of Character type
* @return array Character type data
public function getCharactertypeByUrl($seminaryId, $charactertypeUrl)
$data = $this->db->query(
'SELECT id, seminary_id, name, url '.
'FROM charactertypes '.
'WHERE seminary_id = ? AND url = ?',
if(empty($data)) {
throw new \nre\exceptions\IdNotFoundException($charactertypeUrl);
return $data[0];
* Get Character type by its ID.
* @param string $charactertypeId ID of Character type
* @return array Character type data
public function getCharactertypeById($charactertypeId)
$data = $this->db->query(
'SELECT id, seminary_id, name, url '.
'FROM charactertypes '.
'WHERE id = ?',
if(empty($data)) {
throw new \nre\exceptions\IdNotFoundException($charactertypeId);
return $data[0];
* Check if a Charactertype name already exists.
* @param int $seminaryId ID of Seminary
* @param string $name Charactertype name to check
* @param int $charactertypeId Do not check this ID (for editing)
* @return boolean Whether Charactertype name exists or not
public function charactertypeNameExists($seminaryId, $name, $charactertypeId=null)
$data = $this->db->query(
'SELECT id '.
'FROM charactertypes '.
'WHERE seminary_id = ? AND (name = ? OR url = ?)',
return (!empty($data) && (is_null($charactertypeId) || $charactertypeId != $data[0]['id']));
* Create a new Charactertype for a Seminary.
* @param int $userId ID of creating user
* @param int $seminaryId ID of Seminary
* @param string $name Name for new Charactertype
* @return int ID of newly created Charactertype
public function createCharactertype($userId, $seminaryId, $name)
$charactertypeId = null;
try {
// Create Charactertype
'INSERT INTO charactertypes '.
'(created_user_id, seminary_id, name, url) '.
'(?, ?, ?, ?) ',
$charactertypeId = $this->db->getInsertId();
// Create avatars
'INSERT INTO avatars '.
'(created_user_id, charactertype_id, xplevel_id) '.
'SELECT ?, ?, '.
'FROM xplevels '.
'WHERE seminary_id = ?',
catch(\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $charactertypeId;
* Edit a Charactertype.
* @param int $charactertypeId ID of Charactertype to edit
* @param string $name New name of Charactertype
public function editCharactertype($charactertypeId, $name)
'UPDATE charactertypes '.
'SET name = ?, url = ? '.
'WHERE id = ?',
* Copy all Charactertypes of a Seminary.
* @param int $userId ID of copying user
* @param int $sourceSeminaryId ID of Seminary to copy from
* @param int $targetSeminaryId ID of Seminary to copy to
* @param array Mapping of Charactertype-IDs from source Seminary to targetSeminary
public function copyCharactertypesOfSeminary($userId, $sourceSeminaryId, $targetSeminaryId)
$charactertypeIds = array();
// Get Charactertypes
$charactertypes = $this->getCharacterTypesForSeminary($sourceSeminaryId);
// Copy each Charactertype
foreach($charactertypes as &$type)
'INSERT INTO charactertypes '.
'(created_user_id, seminary_id, name, url) '.
'SELECT ?, ?, name, url '.
'FROM charactertypes '.
'WHERE id = ?',
$userId, $targetSeminaryId,
$charactertypeIds[$type['id']] = $this->db->getInsertId();
return $charactertypeIds;
* Delete a Charactertype.
* @param int $charactertypeId ID of Charactertype to delete
public function deleteCharactertype($charactertypeId)
$this->db->query('DELETE FROM charactertypes WHERE id = ?', 'i', $charactertypeId);
* Delete all Charactertypes of a Seminary.
* @param int $seminaryId ID of Seminary to delete Charactertypes of
public function deleteCharactertypesOfSeminary($seminaryId)
$this->db->query('DELETE FROM charactertypes WHERE seminary_id = ?', 'i', $seminaryId);