2016-04-09 15:57:11 +02:00

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* The Legend of Z
* @author Oliver Hanraths <>
* @copyright 2014 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
* @license
* @link
namespace hhu\z\lib;
* Class to calculate similarity between documents.
* @author Oliver Hanraths <>
class Similarity
* Read a file and return its text.
* Currently only PDF-files are supported and “pdftotext” needs to be
* installed. If reading fails, false is returned.
* @param string $filename Name of file to read
* @return mixed Text of document (string) or false (boolean)
public static function readDocument($filename)
if(!file_exists($filename)) {
return false;
$text = array();
$result = 0;
exec(sprintf('pdftotext "%s" -', $filename), $text, $result);
if($result != 0) {
return false;
$text = mb_strtolower(implode('', $text));
return $text;
* Split a text into N-grams.
* The default N is 3.
* @param string $document Text to be splitted
* @param int $n Size of grams to split into (N)
* @return array List of n-grams
public static function splitNgrams($document, $n=3)
$affix = implode(' ', array_fill(0, $n-1, ' '));
$document = $affix.$document.$affix;
$ngrams = array();
for($i=0; $i<mb_strlen($document)-$n; $i++) {
$ngrams[] = mb_substr($document, $i, $n);
return $ngrams;
* Compare to documents, represented by there Term Frequencies (TFs)
* values.
* $tfsA, $tfsB and $idf_n are expected to be associative arrays with
* the term as key and the corresponding frequency as value.
* @param array $tfsA Term Frequencies of document A
* @param array $tfsB Term Frequencies of document B
* @param int $idf_N Total count of documents in corpus
* @param array $idf_n Inverse Document Frequencies of all terms
* @return float Similarity value (between 0.0 and 1.0)
public static function compare($tfsA, $tfsB, $idf_N, $idf_n)
// Create vector A
$vectorA = self::getVector($tfsA, $idf_N, $idf_n);
// Create vector B
$vectorB = self::getVector($tfsB, $idf_N, $idf_n);
// Compare vectors
$result = self::cosinus($vectorA, $vectorB);
// Return result
return $result;
* Calculate the vector for a document based on TF and IDF.
* $tfs and $idf_n are expected to be associative arrays with the term
* as key and the corresponding frequency as value. The resulting
* vector is an associative array with the terms as keys and their
* corresponding values as value.
* @param array $tfs Term Frequencies of document
* @param int $idf_N Total count of documents in corpus
* @param array $idf_n Inverse Document Frequencies of all terms
* @return array Document vector
protected static function getVector($tfs, $idf_N, $idf_n)
// TF * IDF
$tfidfs = self::getTFIDFs($tfs, $idf_N, $idf_n);
return $tfidfs;
* Calculate TF*IDF values for a document.
* $tfs and $idf_n are expected to be associative arrays with the term
* as key and the corresponding frequency as value. The resulting
* value is an associative array with the terms as keys and their
* corresponding TF*IDF as values.
* @param array $tfs Term Frequencies of document
* @param int $idf_N Total count of documents in corpus
* @param array $idf_n Inverse Document Frequencies of all terms
* @return array TF*IDF values
protected static function getTFIDFs($tfs, $idf_N, $idf_n)
$tfidfs = array();
// Calculate TF*IDF
foreach($tfs as $term => &$tf)
if(array_key_exists($term, $idf_n)) {
$idf = log($idf_N / $idf_n[$term], 2);
else {
// TODO Laplace norm: n = 1?
$idf = log($idf_N / 1, 2);
$tfidfs[$term] = $tf * $idf;
return $tfidfs;
* Calculate cosinus similarity between two vectors.
* sim(a, b) = (a・b) / (||a|| * ||b||)
* @param array $a Vector A
* @param array $b Vector B
* @return float Similarity value (between 0.0 and 1.0)
protected static function cosinus(array $a, array $b)
$normA = self::norm($a);
$normB = self::norm($b);
if(($normA * $normB) != 0) {
return self::dotProduct($a, $b) / ($normA * $normB);
else {
return 0;
* Calculate the dot-product for two vectors.
* a・b = summation{i=1,n}(a[i] * b[i])
* @param array $a Vector A
* @param array $b Vector B
* @return float Dot-product
protected static function dotProduct(array $a, array $b)
$dotProduct = 0;
$keysA = array_keys(array_filter($a));
$keysB = array_keys(array_filter($b));
$uniqueKeys = array_unique(array_merge($keysA, $keysB));
foreach($uniqueKeys as $key) {
if(!empty($a[$key]) && !empty($b[$key])) {
$dotProduct += ($a[$key] * $b[$key]);
return $dotProduct;
* Caculate the Euclidean norm for a vector.
* ||x|| = sqrt(x・x) // ・ is a dot product
* @param array $vector Vector
* @return float Euclidean norm
protected static function norm(array $vector)
return sqrt(self::dotProduct($vector, $vector));