Compare commits


5 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
a3bac2e744 set new styles for Questtypes 2015-05-14 18:50:01 +02:00
8c79cb617e Questtype ?Crossword?: add basic edit form 2015-05-14 18:49:46 +02:00
fc9c4d9ea1 update jquery-ui library 2015-05-14 18:48:55 +02:00
6e96556b0e add option to pass config to ValidationComponent 2015-05-14 18:48:18 +02:00
852eab42f7 Questtype ?Bossfight?: create and display decision tree 2015-05-14 18:47:31 +02:00
8 changed files with 687 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -82,20 +82,25 @@
* @param array $index Names of parameter to validate and to validate against
* @return mixed True or the parameter with settings the validation failed on
public function validateParam($params, $index)
public function validateParam($params, $index, $config=null)
// Check onfig
if(is_null($config)) {
$config = $this->config;
// Check parameter
if(!array_key_exists($index, $params)) {
throw new \nre\exceptions\ParamsNotValidException($index);
// Check settings
if(!array_key_exists($index, $this->config)) {
if(!array_key_exists($index, $config)) {
return true;
// Validate parameter and return result
return $this->validate($params[$index], $this->config[$index]);
return $this->validate($params[$index], $config[$index]);
@ -106,12 +111,12 @@
* @param array $indices Names of parameters to validate and to validate against
* @return mixed True or the parameters with settings the validation failed on
public function validateParams($params, $indices)
public function validateParams($params, $indices, $config=null)
// Validate parameters
$validation = true;
foreach($indices as $index) {
$validation = $this->addValidationResults($validation, $index, $this->validateParam($params, $index));
$validation = $this->addValidationResults($validation, $index, $this->validateParam($params, $index, $config));

View file

@ -25,6 +25,27 @@
* @var array
public $models = array('media');
* Required components
* @var array
public $components = array('validation');
private $validationSettings = array(
'bossname' => array(
'minlength' => 1,
'maxlength' => 32
'lives_boss' => array(
'minlength' => 1,
'regex' => '/^(\d*)$/'
'lives_character' => array(
'minlength' => 1,
'regex' => '/^(\d*)$/'
@ -227,23 +248,199 @@
public function edittask($seminary, $questgroup, $quest)
// Get Fight
$fight = $this->Bossfight->getBossFight($quest['id']);
if(!is_null($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id'])) {
$fight['bossmedia'] = $this->Media->getSeminaryMediaById($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']);
// Get stages
$stage = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($quest['id']);
$stage['childs'] = $this->getChildStages($stage['id']);
// Get Character
$character = $this->Characters->getCharacterForUserAndSeminary($this->Auth->getUserId(), $seminary['id']);
// Create (pseudo) tree
$tree = $this->createStageTree($fight['lives_character'], $fight['lives_boss']);
$this->attachStages($quest['id'], $tree);
// TODO Test
print_r($this->createStageTree2($quest['id'], $fight['lives_character'], $fight['lives_boss']));
// Get allowed mimetypes
$mimetypes = \nre\configs\AppConfig::$mimetypes['questtypes'];
// Values
$step = 1;
$steps = 1;
$bossname = $fight['bossname'];
$livesCharacter = $fight['lives_character'];
$livesBoss = $fight['lives_boss'];
$fields = array('bossname', 'lives_boss', 'lives_character');
$validation = true;
// Save submitted data
if($this->request->getRequestMethod() == 'POST')
// Get current step
$step = max(0, min($steps, intval($this->request->getPostParam('step'))));
// Bossfight
if($step == 0)
// Get params and validate them
$validation = $this->Validation->validateParams($this->request->getPostParams(), $fields, $this->validationSettings);
$bossname = $this->request->getPostParam('bossname');
$livesCharacter = $this->request->getPostParam('lives_character');
$livesBoss = $this->request->getPostParam('lives_boss');
// Validate image
$bossimage = null;
if(!empty($_FILES) && array_key_exists('bossimage', $_FILES) && $_FILES['bossimage']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE)
$bossimage = $_FILES['bossimage'];
// Check error
if($bossimage['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$validation = $this->Validation->addValidationResult($validation, 'bossimage', 'error', $bossimage['error']);
// Check mimetype
$bossimageMimetype = null;
$bossimage['mimetype'] = \hhu\z\Utils::getMimetype($bossimage['tmp_name'], $bossimage['type']);
foreach($mimetypes as &$mimetype)
if($mimetype['mimetype'] == $bossimage['mimetype']) {
$bossimageMimetype = $mimetype;
if(is_null($bossimageMimetype)) {
$validation = $this->Validation->addValidationResult($validation, 'bossimage', 'mimetype', $bossimage['mimetype']);
elseif($bossimage['size'] > $bossimageMimetype['size']) {
$validation = $this->Validation->addValidationResult($validation, 'bossimage', 'size', $bossimageMimetype['size']);
// Set Bossfight data
if($validation === true)
// Upload boss image
$mediaId = $this->Media->createQuestMedia(
sprintf('quest-bossfight-%s', $quest['url']),
// Save data
// Edit Bossfight
($mediaId !== false ? $mediaId : $fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']),
// TODO Delete needless stages
elseif($mediaId !== false)
// Create new Bossfight
// Reload fight
$fight = $this->Bossfight->getBossFight($quest['id']);
if(!is_null($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id'])) {
$fight['bossmedia'] = $this->Media->getSeminaryMediaById($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']);
$tree = $this->createStageTree($fight['lives_character'], $fight['lives_boss']);
$this->attachStages($quest['id'], $tree);
// Stages
elseif($step == 1)
// Get stages
$stages = $this->request->getPostParam('stages');
// Save stages
foreach($tree as $i => &$v)
if(array_key_exists($i, $stages))
foreach($v as $j => &$h)
if(array_key_exists($j, $stages[$i]))
$text = $stages[$i][$j]['text'];
$question = $stages[$i][$j]['question'];
if(array_key_exists('stage', $h) && !empty($h['stage']))
// TODO Edit stage
$stageId = $h['stage']['id'];
// TODO Create new stage
var_dump('create stage');
// Go to next/previous step
// Go to next/previous step
if($validation === true)
if(!is_null($this->request->getPostParam('prev'))) {
else {
if($step > $steps) {
// TODO Redirect
//$this->redirect($this->linker->link(array('quest', $seminary['url'], $questgroup['url'], $quest['url']), 1));
// Get validation settings
$validationSettings = array();
foreach($fields as &$field) {
$validationSettings[$field] = $this->validationSettings[$field];
// Pass data to view
$this->set('seminary', $seminary);
$this->set('character', $character);
$this->set('fight', $fight);
$this->set('stages', $stage);
$this->set('step', $step);
$this->set('tree', $tree);
$this->set('bossname', $bossname);
$this->set('livesCharacter', $livesCharacter);
$this->set('livesBoss', $livesBoss);
$this->set('mimetypes', $mimetypes);
$this->set('validation', $validation);
$this->set('validationSettings', $validationSettings);
@ -287,6 +484,118 @@
return $childStages;
private function createStageTree($livesCharacter, $livesBoss)
$c = max($livesCharacter, $livesBoss) * 2;
$tree = array();
$tree[0] = array(
'lives_character' => $livesCharacter,
'lives_boss' => $livesBoss
for($i=1; $i<$c; $i++ )
$treeitem = array();
$n = pow(2, $i);
for($j=0; $j<$n/2; $j++)
if(array_key_exists($j, $tree[$i-1]))
if($tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] - 1 >= 0)
$treeitem[$j*2] = array(
'lives_character' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'],
'lives_boss' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] - 1,
if($tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] - 1 >= 0)
$treeitem[$j*2+1] = array(
'lives_character' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] - 1,
'lives_boss' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'],
$tree[] = $treeitem;
return $tree;
private function createStageTree2($questId, $livesCharacter, $livesBoss)
// Create tree root
$tree = array();
$tree[0] = array(
'lives_character' => $livesCharacter,
'lives_boss' => $livesBoss
// Get first stage
$stage = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($questId);
$tree[0]['stage'] = $stage;
// Start recursion
$this->createStageTreeRec($questId, $stage, $tree);
// Return tree
return $tree;
private function createStageTreeRec($questId, $stage, &$tree)
// Get child stages
$childStages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($stage['id']);
foreach($childStages as $childStage)
$this->createStageTreeRec($questId, $childStage, $tree);
private function attachStages($questId, &$tree)
foreach($tree as $i => &$v)
if($i == 0) {
$v[0]['stage'] = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($questId);
$childStages = null;
foreach($v as $j => &$h)
$childStages = range(0, 1);
if(array_key_exists('stage', $tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]) && !empty($tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]['stage']))
$stages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]['stage']['id']);
if(!empty($stages)) {
$childStages = $stages;
$tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]['childstages'] = $childStages;
$h['stage'] = (count($childStages) > 0) ? $childStages[0] : array();
else {
$h['stage'] = (count($childStages) > 1) ? $childStages[1] : array();
$childStages = null;

View file

@ -91,6 +91,35 @@
public function createBossFight($userId, $questId, $bossname, $bossmediaId, $livesCharacter, $livesBoss)
'INSERT INTO questtypes_bossfight '.
'(quest_id, created_user_id, bossname, boss_seminarymedia_id, lives_character, lives_boss) '.
'(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
$questId, $userId, $bossname, $bossmediaId, $livesCharacter, $livesBoss
return $this->db->getInsertId();
public function editBossFight($questId, $bossname, $bossmediaId, $livesCharacter, $livesBoss)
'UPDATE questtypes_bossfight '.
'SET bossname = ?, boss_seminarymedia_id = ?, lives_character = ?, lives_boss = ? '.
'WHERE quest_id = ?',
$bossname, $bossmediaId, $livesCharacter, $livesBoss,
* Get the first Stage to begin the Boss-Fight with.

View file

@ -1,41 +1,201 @@
<?php if($validation !== true && !empty($validation)) : ?>
<ul class="validation">
<?php foreach($validation as $field => &$settings) : ?>
<?php foreach($settings as $setting => $value) : ?>
<?php switch($field) {
case 'bossname':
switch($setting) {
case 'minlength': printf(_('Name is too short (min. %d chars)'), $value);
case 'maxlength': printf(_('Name is too long (max. %d chars)'), $value);
case 'regex': echo _('Name contains illegal characters');
default: echo _('Name invalid');
case 'bossimage':
switch($setting) {
case 'error': printf(_('Error during file upload: %s'), $value);
case 'mimetype': printf(_('File has wrong type “%s”'), $value);
case 'size': echo _('File exceeds size maximum');
default: echo _('File invalid');
} ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<?php if($step == 0) : ?>
<legend><?=sprintf(_('Step %d'), 1)?>: <?=_('Boss-Fight')?></legend>
<label><?=_('Boss name')?></label>
<input type="text" name="bossname" value="<?=$fight['bossname']?>" /><br />
<input type="text" name="bossname" value="<?=$bossname?>" maxlength="<?=$validationSettings['bossname']['maxlength']?>" <?=($validation !== true && array_key_exists('bossname', $validation)) ? 'class="invalid"' : null ?> /><br />
<label><?=_('Boss image')?></label>
<input type="file" name="bossimage" /><br />
<label><?=_('Boss lives')?></label>
<input type="number" name="lives_boss" value="<?=$fight['lives_boss']?>" /><br />
<p><?=_('Allowed file types')?>:</p>
<?php foreach($mimetypes as &$mimetype) : ?>
<li><?=sprintf(_('%s-files'), strtoupper(explode('/',$mimetype['mimetype'])[1]))?> <?php if($mimetype['size'] > 0) : ?>(<?=_('max.')?> <?=round($mimetype['size']/(1024*1024),2)?>MiB)<?php endif ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<label><?=_('Character lives')?></label>
<input type="number" name="lives_character" value="<?=$fight['lives_character']?>" />
<input type="number" name="lives_character" value="<?=$livesCharacter?>" <?=($validation !== true && array_key_exists('lives_character', $validation)) ? 'class="invalid"' : null ?> /><br />
<label><?=_('Boss lives')?></label>
<input type="number" name="lives_boss" value="<?=$livesBoss?>" <?=($validation !== true && array_key_exists('lives_boss', $validation)) ? 'class="invalid"' : null ?> />
<?php renderStage($stages, $fight['lives_boss'], $fight['lives_character']); ?>
<input type="submit" name="next" value="<?=_('next step')?>" />
<?php elseif($step == 1) : ?>
<fieldset id="bosstree">
<legend><?=sprintf(_('Step %d'), 2)?>: <?=_('Stages')?></legend>
<?php foreach($tree as $i => $v) : ?>
<div class="bosstreerow">
<?php foreach($v as $j => $h) : ?>
<div id="bti-<?=$i?>-<?=$j?>" class="bosstreeitem" style=" width:<?=sprintf('%.3F', 100/count($v))?>%">
<span class="bosstreelabel">
<?php if($h['lives_character'] > 0) : ?>
<?php foreach(range(1,$h['lives_character']) as $l) : ?>
<i class="fa fa-heart fa-fw char"></i>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if($h['lives_boss'] > 0) : ?>
<?php foreach(range(1,$h['lives_boss']) as $l) : ?>
<i class="fa fa-heart fa-fw boss"></i>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div id="line-<?=$i?>-<?=$j?>" class="bosstreeline"></div>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<input type="submit" name="save" value="<?=_('save')?>" />
<fieldset id="stages">
<legend><?=_('Selected stage')?></legend>
<?php foreach($tree as $i => $v) : ?>
<?php foreach($v as $j => $h) : ?>
<div id="stage-<?=$i?>-<?=$j?>" class="bossstage">
<div class="cf">
<section class="opponent">
<p class="fwb"><?=$character['name']?></p>
<p class="portrait"><img src="<?=$linker->link(array('media','avatar',$seminary['url'],$character['charactertype_url'],$character['xplevel']))?>" class="hero" /></p>
<?php if($h['lives_character'] > 0) : ?>
<?php foreach(range(1,$h['lives_character']) as $l) : ?>
<i class="fa fa-heart fa-fw char"></i>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif ?>
<section class="opponent">
<p class="fwb"><?=$fight['bossname']?></p>
<p class="portrait"><img src="<?=$linker->link(array('media','seminary',$seminary['url'],$fight['bossmedia']['url']))?>" class="boss" /></p>
<?php if($h['lives_boss'] > 0) : ?>
<?php foreach(range(1,$h['lives_boss']) as $l) : ?>
<i class="fa fa-heart fa-fw boss"></i>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif ?>
<textarea name="stages[<?=$i?>][<?=$j?>][question]"><?=$h['stage']['text']?></textarea>
<?php if(array_key_exists('childstages', $h)) : ?>
<ul class="bossfight cf">
<?php foreach($h['childstages'] as &$childStage) : ?>
<li class="option">
<textarea name="stages[<?=$i?>][<?=$j?>]"><?php if(!empty($childStage)) : ?><?=\hhu\z\Utils::t($childStage['question'])?><?php endif ?></textarea>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<input type="submit" name="prev" value="<?=_('previous step')?>" />
<input type="submit" name="next" value="<?=_('save')?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?=$step?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<?php function renderStage($stage, $livesBoss, $livesCharacter, $level=0, $indices=array()) { ?>
<div style="margin-left:<?=$level?>em">
<h2><?=implode('.', $indices)?></h2>
<?php if(!empty($stage['question'])) : ?>
function drawLine(targetItemId, sourceItemId, lineId)
var sourceItem = $('#'+sourceItemId);
var targetItem = $('#'+targetItemId);
var sourcePoint = sourceItem.position();
sourcePoint.left = sourcePoint.left + sourceItem.width()/2; = + sourceItem.height();
var targetPoint = targetItem.position();
targetPoint.left = targetPoint.left + targetItem.width()/2;
var line = $('#'+lineId);
var length = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(targetPoint.left - sourcePoint.left, 2) +
Math.pow( -, 2)
var angle = 180 / Math.PI * Math.acos((targetPoint.left - sourcePoint.left) / length);
line.css('width', Math.floor(length)+'px');
line.css('left', sourcePoint.left+'px');
line.css('transform-origin', 'top left');
line.css('transform', 'rotate('+angle+'deg)');
function drawLines()
<?php foreach($tree as $i => $v) : ?>
<?php foreach($v as $j => $h) : ?>
<?php if($i > 0) : ?>
drawLine('bti-<?=$i?>-<?=$j?>', 'bti-<?=$i-1?>-<?=floor($j/2)?>', 'line-<?=$i?>-<?=$j?>');
<?php endif ?>
<p><?=_('Character')?> <?=$livesCharacter?> vs. <?=$livesBoss?> <?=_('Boss')?></p>
<?php foreach($stage['childs'] as $index => &$childStage) : ?>
<?php $childIndices = $indices; ?>
<?php $childIndices[] = $index+1; ?>
<?php renderStage($childStage, $livesBoss+$childStage['livedrain_boss'], $livesCharacter+$childStage['livedrain_character'], $level+1, $childIndices); ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php if($livesBoss == 0 && $livesCharacter == 0) : ?>
Bedie verloren
<?php elseif($livesBoss == 0) : ?>
Boss verloren, Character gewonnen
<?php elseif($livesCharacter == 0) : ?>
Boss gewonnen, Character verloren
<?php endif ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
function showSelectedStage()
$("#bosstree span.ui-selected").each(function(index) {
var id = 'stage-' + $(this).parent().attr('id').substr(4);
// hide current stage
$("#stages div.bossstage").css('display', 'none');
// show new stage
$("#"+id).css('display', 'block');
var resizeTimer;
$(window).resize(function() {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(drawLines, 100);
filter: " span.bosstreelabel",
selected: function(event, ui) {
$("#bti-0-0 span.bosstreelabel").addClass('ui-selected');

View file

@ -373,6 +373,84 @@
public function edittask($seminary, $questgroup, $quest)
// Get words
$words = $this->Crossword->getWordsForQuest($quest['id']);
// Create 2D-matrix
$matrix = array();
$maxX = 0;
$maxY = 0;
foreach($words as $index => &$word)
// Insert word
$x = $word['pos_x'];
$startY = $word['pos_y'];
$endY = $startY + mb_strlen($word['word'], 'UTF-8') - 1;
$matrix = array_pad($matrix, $x+1, array());
$matrix[$x] = array_pad($matrix[$x], $endY+1, null);
$maxX = max($maxX, $x);
$maxY = max($maxY, $endY);
foreach(range($startY, $endY) as $y)
$matrix[$x][$y] = array(
'char' => mb_substr($word['word'], $y-$startY, 1, 'UTF-8'),
'indices' => (array_key_exists($x, $matrix) && array_key_exists($y, $matrix[$x]) && !is_null($matrix[$x][$y]) && array_key_exists('indices', $matrix[$x][$y])) ? $matrix[$x][$y]['indices'] : array()
if($y == $startY) {
$matrix[$x][$y]['indices'][] = $index;
if(array_key_exists('answer', $word))
$answer = mb_substr($word['answer'], $y-$startY, 1, 'UTF-8');
if($answer != ' ') {
$matrix[$x][$y]['answer'] = $answer;
$startX = $word['pos_x'];
$endX = $startX + mb_strlen($word['word'], 'UTF-8') - 1;
$y = $word['pos_y'];
$matrix = array_pad($matrix, $endX+1, array());
$maxX = max($maxX, $endX);
$maxY = max($maxY, $y);
foreach(range($startX, $endX) as $x)
$matrix[$x] = array_pad($matrix[$x], $y+1, null);
$matrix[$x][$y] = array(
'char' => mb_substr($word['word'], $x-$startX, 1, 'UTF-8'),
'indices' => (array_key_exists($x, $matrix) && array_key_exists($y, $matrix[$x]) && !is_null($matrix[$x][$y]) && array_key_exists('indices', $matrix[$x][$y])) ? $matrix[$x][$y]['indices'] : array(),
'answer' => null
if($x == $startX) {
$matrix[$x][$y]['indices'][] = $index;
if(array_key_exists('answer', $word))
$answer = mb_substr($word['answer'], $x-$startX, 1, 'UTF-8');
if($answer != ' ') {
$matrix[$x][$y]['answer'] = $answer;
// Pass data to view
$this->set('words', $words);
$this->set('maxX', $maxX);
$this->set('maxY', $maxY);
$this->set('matrix', $matrix);

View file

@ -1 +1,48 @@
<form method="post" class="crossword">
<table id="matrix">
<?php foreach(range(0, $maxY) as $y) : ?>
<?php foreach(range(0, $maxX) as $x) : ?>
<?php if(array_key_exists($x, $matrix) && array_key_exists($y, $matrix[$x]) && !is_null($matrix[$x][$y])) : ?>
<?php if(count($matrix[$x][$y]['indices']) > 0) : ?><span class="index"><?=implode('/',array_map(function($e) { return $e+1; }, $matrix[$x][$y]['indices']))?></span><?php endif ?>
<input type="text" maxlength="1" size="1" disabled="disabled" value="<?=$matrix[$x][$y]['char']?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<fieldset class="dev">
<?php foreach($words as &$word) : ?>
<input type="number" value="<?=$word['pos_x']+1?>" />
<input type="number" value="<?=$word['pos_y']+1?>" />
<option <?php if(!$word['vertical']) : ?>selected="selected"<?php endif ?>><?=_('horizontal')?></option>
<option <?php if($word['vertical']) : ?>selected="selected"<?php endif ?>><?=_('vertical')?></option>
<br />
<?=_('Question')?>:<br />
<textarea><?=$word['question']?></textarea><br />
<?=_('Answer')?>:<br />
<input type="text" value="<?=$word['word']?>" />
<br />
<input type="button" class="remove-question" value="" />
<?php endforeach ?>
<input type="button" class="add-question" value="+" />
<input type="submit" name="save" value="<?=_('save')?>" />

View file

@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ input[type="submit"][disabled]{text-shadow:1px 2px #d48c4e;background:#f9ac69;bo
.notify p.announce{color:#0f373c;font-weight:700;font-size:.875em;margin-top:5px}
.notify .fa{padding-right:5px}
.notify .fa-times{float:right;padding:0;margin:-12px -10px 0 0;color:#d4d2ce}
/** Login, Registration & Filter **/
@ -326,6 +327,8 @@ input[type="submit"][disabled]{text-shadow:1px 2px #d48c4e;background:#f9ac69;bo
.success,.error{margin:15px 0;padding:5px 15px;border:1px solid #4F8A10;background:#DFF2BF;color:#4F8A10;border-radius:3px}
.error{border:1px solid #850000;background:#ebd3d3;color:#850000}
.success p,.error p{margin-bottom:5px}
.dev textarea{width:99%;height:150px}
.dev input[type="text"]{width:99%;max-width:99%;text-align:left}
@ -342,7 +345,7 @@ input[type="submit"][disabled]{text-shadow:1px 2px #d48c4e;background:#f9ac69;bo
.crossword table{border-spacing:2px;border-collapse:separate}
.crossword td{background:#d7d4cf;padding:1px;border:0}
.crossword input[type=text]{text-align:center;height:26px;width:100%;min-width:8px;max-width:40px;margin:0;padding:0;border:none;text-transform:uppercase}
.crossword table input[type=text]{text-align:center;height:26px;width:100%;min-width:8px;max-width:40px;margin:0;padding:0;border:none;text-transform:uppercase}
.crossword ol{list-style-type:decimal;margin-left:25px}
.crossword li{margin-top:20px}
.crossword .index{position:absolute;font-size:0.625em;margin:-2px 0 0 2px}
@ -354,6 +357,16 @@ input[type="submit"][disabled]{text-shadow:1px 2px #d48c4e;background:#f9ac69;bo
.opponent p{text-align:center}
.opponent .fa{font-size:1.25em;color:#c7135b;padding-right:0}
.bossfight .option{background:#fff;margin-bottom:10px;padding:15px 15px 5px;border-radius:3px}
#bosstree span.ui-selected{background-color:white}
.bosstreerow{display:block;height:2em;margin:2em 0;text-align:center}
.bosstreerow div{white-space:nowrap}
.bosstreerow .fa{display:inline;font-size:1.25em;padding-right:0}
.bosstreerow .char{color:#c7135b}
.bossstage textarea{width:100%;height:150px} div{text-align:center;background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.6)} i.move{cursor:grab}

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