601 lines
23 KiB
601 lines
23 KiB
* The Legend of Z
* @author Oliver Hanraths <oliver.hanraths@uni-duesseldorf.de>
* @copyright 2014 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* @link https://bitbucket.org/coderkun/the-legend-of-z
namespace hhu\z\questtypes;
* Controller of the BossfightQuesttypeAgent for a boss-fight.
* @author Oliver Hanraths <oliver.hanraths@uni-duesseldorf.de>
class BossfightQuesttypeController extends \hhu\z\controllers\QuesttypeController
* Required models
* @var array
public $models = array('media');
* Required components
* @var array
public $components = array('validation');
private $validationSettings = array(
'bossname' => array(
'minlength' => 1,
'maxlength' => 32
'lives_boss' => array(
'minlength' => 1,
'regex' => '/^(\d*)$/'
'lives_character' => array(
'minlength' => 1,
'regex' => '/^(\d*)$/'
* Save the answers of a Character for a Quest.
* @param array $seminary Current Seminary data
* @param array $questgroup Current Questgroup data
* @param array $quest Current Quest data
* @param array $character Current Character data
* @param array $answers Character answers for the Quest
public function saveAnswersOfCharacter($seminary, $questgroup, $quest, $character, $answers)
// Prepare session
// Remove previous answers
$this->Bossfight->clearCharacterSubmissions($quest['id'], $character['id']);
// Save answers
foreach($_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages'] as &$stage) {
$this->Bossfight->setCharacterSubmission($stage['id'], $character['id']);
* Save additional data for the answers of a Character for a Quest.
* @param array $seminary Current Seminary data
* @param array $questgroup Current Questgroup data
* @param array $quest Current Quest data
* @param array $character Current Character data
* @param array $data Additional (POST-) data
public function saveDataForCharacterAnswers($seminary, $questgroup, $quest, $character, $data)
* Check if answers of a Character for a Quest match the correct ones.
* @param array $seminary Current Seminary data
* @param array $questgroup Current Questgroup data
* @param array $quest Current Quest data
* @param array $character Current Character data
* @param array $answers Character answers for the Quest
* @return boolean True/false for a right/wrong answer or null for moderator evaluation
public function matchAnswersOfCharacter($seminary, $questgroup, $quest, $character, $answers)
return true;
* Action: quest.
* Display a stage with a text and the answers for the following
* stages.
* @param array $seminary Current Seminary data
* @param array $questgroup Current Questgroup data
* @param array $quest Current Quest data
* @param array $character Current Character data
* @param \Exception $exception Character submission exception
public function quest($seminary, $questgroup, $quest, $character, $exception)
// Get Boss-Fight
$fight = $this->Bossfight->getBossFight($quest['id']);
if(!is_null($fight) && !is_null($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id'])) {
$fight['bossmedia'] = $this->Media->getSeminaryMediaById($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']);
// Prepare session
// Get Stage
if($this->request->getRequestMethod() == 'POST' && !is_null($this->request->getPostParam('submit_stages')))
$stages = $this->request->getPostParam('submit_stages');
$stageId = array_keys($stages)[0];
$stage = $this->Bossfight->getStageById($stageId);
$_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages'] = array();
$stage = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($quest['id']);
// Store Stage in session
if(count($_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages']) == 0 || $_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages'][count($_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages'])-1]['id'] != $stage['id']) {
$_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages'][] = $stage;
// Calculate lives
$lives = array(
'character' => $fight['lives_character'],
'boss' => $fight['lives_boss']
foreach($_SESSION['quests'][$quest['id']]['stages'] as &$stage)
$lives['character'] += $stage['livedrain_character'];
$lives['boss'] += $stage['livedrain_boss'];
// Get Child-Stages
$childStages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($stage['id']);
// Get answer of Character
if($this->request->getGetParam('show-answer') == 'true') {
foreach($childStages as &$childStage) {
$childStage['answer'] = $this->Bossfight->getCharacterSubmission($childStage['id'], $character['id']);
// Pass data to view
$this->set('seminary', $seminary);
$this->set('character', $character);
$this->set('fight', $fight);
$this->set('stage', $stage);
$this->set('lives', $lives);
$this->set('childStages', $childStages);
* Action: submission.
* Display all stages with the answers the character has
* choosen.
* @param array $seminary Current Seminary data
* @param array $questgroup Current Questgroup data
* @param array $quest Current Quest data
* @param array $character Current Character data
public function submission($seminary, $questgroup, $quest, $character)
// Get Boss-Fight
$fight = $this->Bossfight->getBossFight($quest['id']);
if(!is_null($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id'])) {
$fight['bossmedia'] = $this->Media->getSeminaryMediaById($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']);
// Get stages
$stages = array();
$stage = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($quest['id']);
$stages[] = $stage;
$childStages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($stage['id']);
$stage = null;
foreach($childStages as &$childStage)
if($this->Bossfight->getCharacterSubmission($childStage['id'], $character['id']))
$stage = $childStage;
// Calculate lives
$stages[0]['lives'] = array(
'character' => $fight['lives_character'],
'boss' => $fight['lives_boss']
for($i=1; $i<count($stages); $i++)
$stages[$i]['lives'] = array(
'character' => $stages[$i-1]['lives']['character'] + $stages[$i]['livedrain_character'],
'boss' => $stages[$i-1]['lives']['boss'] + $stages[$i]['livedrain_boss'],
// Pass data to view
$this->set('seminary', $seminary);
$this->set('character', $character);
$this->set('fight', $fight);
$this->set('stages', $stages);
* TODO Action: edittask.
* Edit the task of a Quest.
* @param array $seminary Current Seminary data
* @param array $questgroup Current Questgroup data
* @param array $quest Current Quest data
public function edittask($seminary, $questgroup, $quest)
// Get Fight
$fight = $this->Bossfight->getBossFight($quest['id']);
if(!is_null($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id'])) {
$fight['bossmedia'] = $this->Media->getSeminaryMediaById($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']);
// Get Character
$character = $this->Characters->getCharacterForUserAndSeminary($this->Auth->getUserId(), $seminary['id']);
// Create (pseudo) tree
$tree = $this->createStageTree($fight['lives_character'], $fight['lives_boss']);
$this->attachStages($quest['id'], $tree);
// TODO Test
print_r($this->createStageTree2($quest['id'], $fight['lives_character'], $fight['lives_boss']));
// Get allowed mimetypes
$mimetypes = \nre\configs\AppConfig::$mimetypes['questtypes'];
// Values
$step = 1;
$steps = 1;
$bossname = $fight['bossname'];
$livesCharacter = $fight['lives_character'];
$livesBoss = $fight['lives_boss'];
$fields = array('bossname', 'lives_boss', 'lives_character');
$validation = true;
// Save submitted data
if($this->request->getRequestMethod() == 'POST')
// Get current step
$step = max(0, min($steps, intval($this->request->getPostParam('step'))));
// Bossfight
if($step == 0)
// Get params and validate them
$validation = $this->Validation->validateParams($this->request->getPostParams(), $fields, $this->validationSettings);
$bossname = $this->request->getPostParam('bossname');
$livesCharacter = $this->request->getPostParam('lives_character');
$livesBoss = $this->request->getPostParam('lives_boss');
// Validate image
$bossimage = null;
if(!empty($_FILES) && array_key_exists('bossimage', $_FILES) && $_FILES['bossimage']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE)
$bossimage = $_FILES['bossimage'];
// Check error
if($bossimage['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$validation = $this->Validation->addValidationResult($validation, 'bossimage', 'error', $bossimage['error']);
// Check mimetype
$bossimageMimetype = null;
$bossimage['mimetype'] = \hhu\z\Utils::getMimetype($bossimage['tmp_name'], $bossimage['type']);
foreach($mimetypes as &$mimetype)
if($mimetype['mimetype'] == $bossimage['mimetype']) {
$bossimageMimetype = $mimetype;
if(is_null($bossimageMimetype)) {
$validation = $this->Validation->addValidationResult($validation, 'bossimage', 'mimetype', $bossimage['mimetype']);
elseif($bossimage['size'] > $bossimageMimetype['size']) {
$validation = $this->Validation->addValidationResult($validation, 'bossimage', 'size', $bossimageMimetype['size']);
// Set Bossfight data
if($validation === true)
// Upload boss image
$mediaId = $this->Media->createQuestMedia(
sprintf('quest-bossfight-%s', $quest['url']),
// Save data
// Edit Bossfight
($mediaId !== false ? $mediaId : $fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']),
// TODO Delete needless stages
elseif($mediaId !== false)
// Create new Bossfight
// Reload fight
$fight = $this->Bossfight->getBossFight($quest['id']);
if(!is_null($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id'])) {
$fight['bossmedia'] = $this->Media->getSeminaryMediaById($fight['boss_seminarymedia_id']);
$tree = $this->createStageTree($fight['lives_character'], $fight['lives_boss']);
$this->attachStages($quest['id'], $tree);
// Stages
elseif($step == 1)
// Get stages
$stages = $this->request->getPostParam('stages');
// Save stages
foreach($tree as $i => &$v)
if(array_key_exists($i, $stages))
foreach($v as $j => &$h)
if(array_key_exists($j, $stages[$i]))
$text = $stages[$i][$j]['text'];
$question = $stages[$i][$j]['question'];
if(array_key_exists('stage', $h) && !empty($h['stage']))
// TODO Edit stage
$stageId = $h['stage']['id'];
// TODO Create new stage
var_dump('create stage');
// Go to next/previous step
// Go to next/previous step
if($validation === true)
if(!is_null($this->request->getPostParam('prev'))) {
else {
if($step > $steps) {
// TODO Redirect
//$this->redirect($this->linker->link(array('quest', $seminary['url'], $questgroup['url'], $quest['url']), 1));
// Get validation settings
$validationSettings = array();
foreach($fields as &$field) {
$validationSettings[$field] = $this->validationSettings[$field];
// Pass data to view
$this->set('seminary', $seminary);
$this->set('character', $character);
$this->set('fight', $fight);
$this->set('step', $step);
$this->set('tree', $tree);
$this->set('bossname', $bossname);
$this->set('livesCharacter', $livesCharacter);
$this->set('livesBoss', $livesBoss);
$this->set('mimetypes', $mimetypes);
$this->set('validation', $validation);
$this->set('validationSettings', $validationSettings);
* Prepare the session to store stage information in
* @param int $questId ID of Quest
private function prepareSession($questId)
if(!array_key_exists('quests', $_SESSION)) {
$_SESSION['quests'] = array();
if(!array_key_exists($questId, $_SESSION['quests'])) {
$_SESSION['quests'][$questId] = array();
if(!array_key_exists('stages', $_SESSION['quests'][$questId])) {
$_SESSION['quests'][$questId]['stages'] = array();
* Get all child-stages of a parent-stage.
* @param int $stageId ID of parent-stage
* @return array List of child-stages
private function getChildStages($stageId)
$childStages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($stageId);
if(!empty($childStages)) {
foreach($childStages as &$stage) {
$stage['childs'] = $this->getChildStages($stage['id']);
return $childStages;
private function createStageTree($livesCharacter, $livesBoss)
$c = max($livesCharacter, $livesBoss) * 2;
$tree = array();
$tree[0] = array(
'lives_character' => $livesCharacter,
'lives_boss' => $livesBoss
for($i=1; $i<$c; $i++ )
$treeitem = array();
$n = pow(2, $i);
for($j=0; $j<$n/2; $j++)
if(array_key_exists($j, $tree[$i-1]))
if($tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] - 1 >= 0)
$treeitem[$j*2] = array(
'lives_character' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'],
'lives_boss' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] - 1,
if($tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'] > 0 && $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] - 1 >= 0)
$treeitem[$j*2+1] = array(
'lives_character' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_character'] - 1,
'lives_boss' => $tree[$i-1][$j]['lives_boss'],
$tree[] = $treeitem;
return $tree;
private function createStageTree2($questId, $livesCharacter, $livesBoss)
// Create tree root
$tree = array();
$tree[0] = array(
'lives_character' => $livesCharacter,
'lives_boss' => $livesBoss
// Get first stage
$stage = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($questId);
$tree[0]['stage'] = $stage;
// Start recursion
$this->createStageTreeRec($questId, $stage, $tree);
// Return tree
return $tree;
private function createStageTreeRec($questId, $stage, &$tree)
// Get child stages
$childStages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($stage['id']);
foreach($childStages as $childStage)
$this->createStageTreeRec($questId, $childStage, $tree);
private function attachStages($questId, &$tree)
foreach($tree as $i => &$v)
if($i == 0) {
$v[0]['stage'] = $this->Bossfight->getFirstStage($questId);
$childStages = null;
foreach($v as $j => &$h)
$childStages = range(0, 1);
if(array_key_exists('stage', $tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]) && !empty($tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]['stage']))
$stages = $this->Bossfight->getChildStages($tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]['stage']['id']);
if(!empty($stages)) {
$childStages = $stages;
$tree[$i-1][floor($j/2)]['childstages'] = $childStages;
$h['stage'] = (count($childStages) > 0) ? $childStages[0] : array();
else {
$h['stage'] = (count($childStages) > 1) ? $childStages[1] : array();
$childStages = null;